Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thursday Portrait.....

I read the news today...Oh Boy!!

Researchers in Japan have discovered more than a DOZEN
mutated Pale Grass Blue Butterflies (Zizeeria Maha) near
the now closed nuclear power plant in Fukushima (Fuck-You-Shima)!
How many more Harbingers of Doom do we need?
One of the Kardashians (Kourtney) married a white guy...
Rabid Beavers on the attack...
Now....Mutated Butterfies????!!!!
Doesn't anybody remember Mothra?
Mothra might not seem dangerous, but if a 10 ton flying Lycaenidae
smothered you in a silky web, played Jedi mind tricks on your brain,
then jumped on your back and bit the shit out of you...OUCH!!!
I'm just saying...Get your Friday 55 done soon!!
The End Is Near...
See ya Thursday 8:00 PM EST


  1. dude...we wont need subtitles on these movies...or bad voice overs....ha...err...its all coming true....scary huh...

    oh and yahtzee...smiles.

  2. shouldn't you be wearing a goathair dress to go with that sign?

  3. If i see 2 little signing chics ill know were screwed!!

  4. If the sign and the post don't do the trick, that Billy Sunday face certainly is enough to scare me straight!

  5. ...thanks for the warning! (I'll be killing butterflies today and my 4 year old son will be damaged for life :)

  6. Oh dear, oh my! where oh where shall I run and hide!? "No esscaaape..."

  7. What? No Little Chicken running around declaring the sky is falling?


  8. Hey, it IS almost 55 time!

    My Japanese friend visits her Tokyo parents in Hawaii now, because she hopes her little girl will grow up to have kids one day.


  9. Mothra is my fave Godzirra movie. I love the little pixie-girls that are her friends or priestesses or whatever.

    See you later for the funfest.
