Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Attacked by a WHAT???

No matter which type of rabid beaver we
are talking about, you shouldn't need a quatrain
from Nostradamus OR a fucking Mayan Calender,
to see the writing on the wall...PREPARE!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ive encountered more rabid beavers than i care to admit .......

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i bet the rabid cock is what made the beaver rabid.

  4. too funny...when i lived in north carolina two guys had a rabid beaver climb up into their boat after them and they had to beat it with a paddle...

  5. Ah that takes me back to my own rabid days...

    Strangely, I find the 2012 thing LESS worrying as Dec approaches.

    I DO have some emergency food, and may stockpile some pet antibiotics and meds but....meh...

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  6. Does this mean you'll be joining us for Beaverstock next summer? You'd be a wonderful addition to the herd.

  7. That doesn't at all compare to me when I was the naked zombie girl!

  8. BTW, I've been doing a lot crazier shit lately.


  9. Does beaver mean the same thing over there as it does here? ;)

  10. LMAO!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the great start to my day!!!!!!!

    Clearly you will have to ask Teresa from Eden Hills about Beaverstock! ;)

  11. Morning AJ...?
    Is a Beaver different in GB?
    Here it's a cute little furry critter thats almost always wet, and can tend to be a bit on the musky side...:-)

    Mark...I agree!

    Mimi and Teresa...I'm IN!!!

    Sequin...? Long time no see. I'll have to check you out girl...


    Mr. C...Thanks for stopping by

    Mr. Miller...:-)

    Limey...naughty Naughty

    Crimi...You need to change your profile

    Anonymous...Who are you?
