Saturday, March 17, 2012

Erin go Bra-Less.....

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!!!
And whats more appropriate Poetically, than a Limerick?

O'Mally got drunk almost Daily
On Old Bushmills, and Guinness, and Bailey's
Now it seems he's gone Straight
And he's home snoring by Eight.
Because his new wife can weild a Shilleleigh!!
(The PG-13 version)

Enjoy the weather....It's Kick Ass!!!


  1. did you know that in most of ireland's history st patrick's day was one day of the year when people abstained from alcohol?

  2. oy i would nae hev minda a guinness today...

    i dinae git pinched tho....

  3. I do miss the Old Bushmills but never spoiled my pallet with *shudder* green beer.

    Hope you had a good one, seems I slept through the whole thing.

  4. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you too G. x

  5. Loved this limerick. We are all Irish once a year!

    I had to get my son's pre-school class all a little St. Pat day gift. Went to the dollar store and everything was about kissing and drinking (I really did almost buy them green beer glasses - we could have told them it was rootbeer!) But found green whistles instead. I went into the classroom and "played" leprechaun and messed up the room while the kids were out playing.
