Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday Flash 55.....

I seem to notice them more these days.
Circling....Circling Patiently.
I used to ponder over why they are circling.
Road Kill? Some unfound carcass shot by an unskilled
hunter? A dumped murder victim?
Then, like anything else that comes with age, The Epiphany!
You silly old fool, they are circling YOU!
Circling.....Waiting Patiently.

Maybe it's my cologne....Woodchuck Musk!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Buzzard-Free and Kick Ass Week-End!!


  1. hehe hopefully your day is long still in coming...the tax man might pick your bones before they get a chance...smiles.

    my 55 is up pops

  2. That's why I carry a shotgun!

    I'll get mine up in the morning, G-Man!

  3. did you dab a bit of roadkill juice behind your ears? you've got lots of life left in you, g-man!

    i'm up with the sun this week

  4. I ran em off from my place the other day--they need to get a life--hopefully not mine. A change of cologne might not come amiss.

    I'm playin--a silly poem about a lady led astray

    an ecclesiastical 55

  5. oh, but you still have a lot of stories to read :D

    mine's here:

  6. :) They sure are birds with impeccable taste!

    Look how the animals ignored me at

  7. Ha! Well, maybe they had a F55 they wanted to share?

    I'm in this week. Mine is HERE.

  8. I'll do my best to have a buzzard-free weekend, but I make no promises.
    Try not to let them catch you. It might help to throw large rocks.

    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  9. Time to change cologne...
    Thanks G for inspiring us to write something weekly

    this is a true story

  10. Very funny (how well do you know your neighbors... these days one never knows) ... I always think the hawks around here are going to get our tiny dog...

    Here's mine (again)

    Securely Wrapped

    I have Grandparents arriving tomorrow and I will have to read everyones 55's Sunday or Monday.

  11. Fantastic stuff G. They'll come for us all eventually I guess.....!

    I'm up!

  12. saw two bald eagles circling something in a farmers field on the way to the city for the first round of Christmas shopping, yes you heard right, maybe they were trying to tell me something
    here's mine

  13. Nooo, they're circling me, I think!

    Mine is up. :-)

  14. Change the cologne, dude!

    How strange you chose this subject....the opening scene in my wip involves just such a scenario. Suffice to say it ain't road kill.

    My mother was recently sitting outside in the sun when she noticed vultures circling and remarked that they were closing in on her. There's something creepy about circling vultures, yet they perform such an essential service.

    Have a great weekend, Oh Host With The Most! Now let's see if I can get lucky and correctly format a link to mine.

  15. I know the feeling. HERE is my 55 for this week.

  16. yep i contacted matthew...he may not be back up until the weekend...domain issues...

  17. That's a powerful piece, Knowitall. And it's not easy to capture such force in so few words. I'm here via Yvonne's blog and pleased to meet you.

  18. just keep fighting, G. they can't get you as long as you can fight back. {and think about changing the cologne.}

    mine's up, just for you.

    dani {formerly haiku love songs}

  19. oops! forgot to leave the link. {blush}

  20. Are you near any "Occupy" protests? Maybe they're just waiting for some carnage to happen.

    Mine will be up in the morning - 7am Pacific time. :)

  21. I think it's cos you know where the bodies are buried - and they know you do! :)

    I'm up here.

  22. Here's mine for this week or just click mylittlewordz above -

    Guess that would be worrying to find those birdies circling you. Nice take on that image!

  23. They'll have a long wait.
    Maybe they just want to play Duck-and-Cover with you!

    I am heading over to the Oregon coast this weekend for my annual solo time there. Not bringing the computer, so will read 55s before and after I go.

    Mine is What was his name>

  24. Just going to see if this link works..if it doesn't please delete it!
    Shady Woman

  25. That's a scary thought, but I think I may have to look for the same thing soon!

    Is it just me, or is it getting harder and harder to be on time for the 'Friday' 55's by actually posting them on Friday? Hrm...

    Here be mine: Interruption of Service

  26. Hahaha - my dad always used to say, 'Must be an old guy out cutting grass nearby.' :o)

  27. Oh yeah! Just what I needed this morning- "A knock on the head"
    bring me right back to mortality!

  28. Here we are again. I kept to your 'theme' of birds.

    Here's mine:

    Trafalgar Square

    Have a great weekend Mr G man :)

  29. Hi Mr. Knowitall! I'm worried that I am wearing the same perfume (and I live in NYC most of the time!) When things are circling above you in the air there, they usually aren't in the mood to wait!

    Here's my link:

    Short link better?

    Have a nice weekend.

  30. Oh I love this one. I ponder the same things. Hopefully they aren't after us yet!

    My silly 55 is here at Roses to Rainbows

  31. It's been awhile...but I'm back!
    Ok, here's my 55:

  32. You are absolutely correct about the Turkey Vultures being more numerous these day, G-Man! I've been noticing the steady increase over the past few years, seeing them increasingly in more urban areas. Used to be you had to go up north to see them in any numbers. Drive by the big garbage dump along north M-23 just before it merges with I-75 on a hot summer day and you'll see dozens of them!

  33. I've got lots of extra garlic I can send your way ....... if it works on vampires ~~~~

  34. Certainly they can't be waiting for you-not the perpetually 55 G-man. Mine is late, but it's there.

  35. You got me all inspired to write a 55 -----


  36. they find ya sweet, G, just like we do. I can't quite
    link up like usual, but I still am playing (though Im not
    crazy bout tune... to make point of poem) cheers~

  37. Still chuckling over this read. . . good write, my friend. =)

  38. Except for those that are sitting out back watching ME.

  39. How much wood can your woodchuck musk chuck?

    EXCELLENT 55!! One of your best.

    Let's hope those bastards stay away from you a long long long time!!!


    See... I did make it over here -- 4 days late, but what the heck!!

  40. Cool thanks a lot, it sounds like a cute poem, thanks for share.
