Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thursday Portrait.....

Birthday wishes go out this week to...

March '88 Playmate Susie Owens.
Actress/Dancer Lisa Niemi (Patrick Swayze's widow)
Actress Lisa Hartman (Married to Country Star Clint Black)

They all turn......FIFTY-FIVE this week!
Maybe 55 IS the new 40? But you STILL owe me 55 words!
See You Friday. (Or 8:00 PM EST on Thursday)


  1. nice...what a coincidence on the 15th wedding anniversary is tonight May 25 but end in 5s...err....

  2. That first photo is not of a 55 year old woman! (I'd love to see a NOW photo!) I loved Lisa Hartman when I was a teenager! She is still gorgeous. 55 words are racing around somewhere in my head right now! :)

  3. Brian...Happy Anniversary !!

    Margaret...That was a recent photo!

  4. I have my 55 ready to go

    Happy Wednesday - BTW is Wednesday the new Thursday???

    Moonie grins

  5. hmmmmm. I'm thinking she found the fountain of youth. Either that or this photo is REALLY touched up.

  6. Man, i only wish I looked half as good at 38!

    As for the F55, I don't have anything yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something. See you tomorrow! :)

  7. Happy Anniversary, Brian! And Happy Birthday to all the lovely 55s!

    This makes me feel better - following the new math, I'm like 36 or something :)

  8. I like your math. In another few years, I'll be 25 ... or so.:)

  9. I wonder how they'll feel in the morning when 55 is in the rear view mirror?

  10. 55 seem like such a long time ago!

    I'll be there tomorrow. ;)

  11. I think that wishing anyone a happy birthday brings you good karma.

  12. It's Stevie Nicks' birthday too, but she's past 55. (In years and mph and mileage.) Still can belt a tune, though.

  13. I'm now on the other side of 55! Oh well, I'm still kickin & raisin hell. :)

  14. Wow, for a minute there I thought you were telling us you were about to grow long blonde hair. ;)

  15. Any one of those women looks great. I like your site. I still think about the cheeseburger I saw last time I was here and now you're showing us hot blondes. I see a nice pattern developing.

