Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One-Shot Wednesday.....

I know it's a bit cheesy to hop aboard the bash
Arnold bandwagon, but this whole tawdry affair
is begging for a Limerick!!!

The Governator was hornier than most.
But he was in No position to boast.
He poked the houskeeper and nanny.
Banged the maid in her fanny
And the cook? He loved 'buttering HER toast'!!

Is it Wednesday?
Do you have any Poetry or Prose laying around?
If yes, post it on your blog, then visit.....Here!
Tomorrow.....I'll Be Back!!


  1. hehe...i love a good limerick...wonder how he liked hearing 'hasta la vista babe"

  2. Limericks seem to suit you. Ah'll be bock.

  3. Gosh even with makeup he's looking old...

    G you always take the cake with the right take on a poem

    Thanks for the One Shot
    moonie smiles

  4. Your limerick is a lot funnier and more interesting than Arnold's love life could ever be. You know what Maria said, right? "Terminate 'er!"

  5. HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!!! You are too, too much. poor guy. he had it all the housekeeper, the action movies, the kennedys. hey he fits right into the househlod name!! they should just stay together!!

    Kennedys have always been womanizers.

  6. BWAHAHAHAH.. and I can almost see him glare his robotic stare at me and say "I'll be back"..

    This is AWESOME, Galen! :))

    Meanwhile, here is my One Shot!! :)

  7. ...I have a feeling he won't be back! I think his career is over, big time! What gets me is Maria seems quite intelligent ... How could it possibly have taken her this long to say "Hasta la vista"?

  8. hahaha.. he certainly buttered her toast!

  9. He was certainly busier than most..... :O)

  10. The best limerick I've ever read, G-Man! And for the record, I didn't vote for him.

  11. I'm from the future
    to impregnate your women
    and hear your laments


  12. Funny..ha..if only these A types didn't make it into places of power. Ugh. Thanks, Gay

  13. lol! A perfect limerick, Galen. I always wonder why super horny types bother to get married - life would still be complicated for them, but at least they wouldn't destroy their own families.

  14. I think I'll forgo my morning toast for a while.:) You do have to laugh about this stuff, though. What else are you gonna do?

  15. bwahahaha! good one!

    i wanna know how he had time to govern with all the schtupping he was up to.

  16. I enjoyed it a lot my friend, and I will be Baaack...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At Twitter @VerseEveryDay

  17. Oh you are naughty, but I like you. ;)

  18. hehehe, I knew what was to come in writing, the moment I saw that photo :D

  19. Ah he deserved this piece! I loved it! ~ Rose

  20. well written limerick gman! he'd better been using his brain than his muscles or..

  21. Ouchie ouch!!

    Your limerick made it sound good fun- I mean the word play is too good..!

    Awesome limerick Galen.. :)
    Hugs xxx

  22. bawhahaha...you are fabulous, as always! that one is CLASSIC...you rock, G!!

  23. Loved the limerick G-Man ~ but then again, you do have a way with words :-))

    See you on Friday, my friend.

  24. That was perfect! Bwahahaha! Hmm, perhaps I will have some toast for breakfast...

    but NOT with his butter.
