Saturday, April 30, 2011
Duh um.....
You know....
Sometimes My decision making process is
a bit askew. I can only hope that I can
recover and learn from my 'Male-ness'.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....
Perfectly Serene...Mata Hari Guile!
A uniquely charming sense of style.
She'll fly your kite
She'll float your boat
She'll rip your lungs out thru your throat!
She suggests you leave..She knows you'll stay.
She questions your Love...No matter what you say.
Shrug your shoulders...Exhale a sigh
Because without her...You'd surely DIE!
This IS a FICTION site .
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most persistant host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
TMI Tuesday.....
Mr. Knowitall is not fielding any questions
this evening, instead I'll share some of my VAST
Knowledge with those that want to learn!!
(Some facts may or may not be totally true)
* The name Adolph translated into English is Arnold.
* The very first Tarzan portrayed on film was Elmo Lincoln
* The very first James Bond portrayal was by Barry Nelson.
* Traditional Polish delicacy 'City Chicken' is actually Pigeon
* Snapping Turtle testicles was used as currency by the Mohawks
* Mohawk testicles was used as currency by the Potawatamee.
* Hard Salami is NOT cooked, the salt cures it till done.
* The very first sofa was designed by Felix Davenport.
* The very first Refridgerator was invented by Bert Kelvenator
* The very first sex toy was invented by the Greek Playwrite Dildo
* The dog breed with the most reported bites annualy? Dachshund
* The dog breed with the SECOND most reported bites? Chihuahua!
* The Oldest American car brand is Buick!
* The Arc of the Covenant is kept in an Amish barn in Goshen Indiana
* The Kama Sutra was written by a Hindu Holy Man with Spina Bifida.
Whew.....Thats enough facts for you all tonight.
Mr. Knowitall grows weary....Peace!!!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Mad As Hell Monday....
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Good Friday Flash 55.....
He looked so frail hanging there.
Naked, bloody, sweaty, screaming for
water, screaming at his God in Aramaic...
"Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani"!!!
Now He was still.
Longinus was given the nasty chore of
Crucifragium, breaking the legs to hasten death.
That was unnecessary!
Instead he pierced 'The Kings' side with his lance.
Blood and water gushed......
Whether you believe that Jesus rose from the dead
or Not. This day happened. His suffering was REAL!
Believe in His Goodness, NOT the evil that men do!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most solemn host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Easter!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
I've been plagued by leg cramps at night lately.
I have a friend at work that claims that if you
crumble up a bar of soap and put it under your sheet
by your legs, No Cramping will occur!
Now THAT sounds a bit too 'Folksy' for me, I'll stick
to Ben Gay and Potassium.
Now the price of banana's reminds me of something....
But I just can't put my finger on it..Hmmmmmm...
See Ya Friday..(Or 8:00 PM Thursday EST)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
One Shot Wednesday....
Hey Kids...What time is it?
In honour of Wednesday's date...
Here's a Trio of poetic forms!
Sweet Relaxation
The ignorant malign you
As they swill their booze...
Herbal Solution!
Light one up
Take a hit
Feel the tension ebb away....
LOVE...Mother Nature!!
Depression and pain, pulling you under.
From out of the soil, A Glimmer of Hope!
Planet Earth gives us a Natural Wonder
It lessons the downpour, it quiets the thunder
This Unholy oppression should be torn assunder
It gives us relief, it helps us cope!
Depression and pain, pulling you under.
From out of the soil, A Glimmer of Hope!
Is it Wednesday..(Almost)?
Post any poetry, prose, or art on your blog.
Visit these kind folks....Here!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Tired Tuesday.....
What crazy weather we had today!
First of all there was a whiteout driving
into work this Morning. Then around 5 PM
It got up to about 48 degrees.
I followed Reese into work today for his first
day on the job....He did GREAT!!
Then I had a very busy 12 hour day!!!
I sold 4 cars!!!
Now if I can get them financed.
I'm going to bed, See Ya tomorrow
Sunday, April 17, 2011
It's Off To Work Monday.....
I was already working at Vic Canever Chevrolet
In Fenton Michigan when my son Reese was born in 1989.
That boy literaly grew up in this store. I took him
to all 'Take Your Kid To Work' days, and the last
couple of years he was my 'Proxy' outside on heavy
snow days. In 2 weeks he will receive an Associates
Degree in Auto Mechanics form Mott Community College.
But tomorrow will be One of the proudest days of my life
as Reese starts work at Vic Canever's!!!!
Yay!!!!! A Steady Job with ample opportunity to get on
the job training by the best crew around. He will start on
the lube and oil rack, and will also have to rotate and
break down tires. We had to go to Sears today shopping for
an Impact Wrench.
Hehehehe....It's not WHAT you know it's....
Sunday 160.....
How can there be a So Called
Cartoon Network without..
Mighty Mouse Bugs Bunny Popeye
Heckel and Jekel Mr. Magoo
Deputy Dog Yogi Boo Boo
Woody Woodpecker Rocky?
Is it Sunday?
Can you write Micro Fiction in
Exactly 160 Characters?
Well then post it on your blog, and go visit
The Monkey Man...Here!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....
Legend has it...
If a Mortal sheds the blood of a Loup Garou.
The beast reverts to it's human form,
and must reveal it's secret!
The Mortal then becomes a Loup Garou for 101 days.
If the encounter is mentioned aloud,
they are cursed FOREVER!!
Loup Garou changes at will,
unrestricted by the Lunar Cycle...
(Loo Gair-Roo)...Bayou Folklore.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most Howling Host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
One-Shot Wednesday....
Don't Touch Me!!!
(Green Eyes A'Blazing)
You Fucker!
You Liar!
My instincts are NEVER wrong...
Your words mean Nothing!
Boy, that Shadorma is a volatile little thing...
Is it Wednesday?
Have any poetry, prose, or art laying around?
Post it on your blog, then go visit...Here!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Happy Birthday Mandy....
25 years ago today, My daughter Amanda was born.
Her 1st night home, I slept under her crib all night long,
just to hear her breathe!
She was named after JR Ewings mistress Mandy Winger.
(JR was my all time favorite TV character!!)
She graduated from The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,
Just because she knew that her daddy would be so proud that
she would attend the college that I loved and graduated from.
She's been married for nearly 2 years to a fine young man Sean,
that loves her and treats her like the spoiled brat that she is.
They lived in Prague Czech Repuplic for over a year teaching
English. They now live in Istanbul Turkey doing the same thing.
I miss her terribly...
Happy Birthday Dollie...Daddy loves you very much!
(Mr. Knowitall has the night off....)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sunday 160.....
A friendly reminder to all Meme Players.
It breaks the Hosts heart when their post goes unnoticed and unread.
Be gracious, not selfish. I'm Up. Read Me. I'm Up
Have anything on your mind in EXACTLY 160 characters?
Post it on your blog and then go visit Monkey Man....Here!
Please be sure to comment on his always terrific post!
A friendly reminder to all Meme Players.
It breaks the Hosts heart when their post goes unnoticed and unread.
Be gracious, not selfish. I'm Up. Read Me. I'm Up
Have anything on your mind in EXACTLY 160 characters?
Post it on your blog and then go visit Monkey Man....Here!
Please be sure to comment on his always terrific post!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....
STD...May I help you?
"I hope so, do you have any Treponema Pallidum?"
Syphilis? We have several cases in stock...We're open till 10.
STD...May I help you?
"Is Chlamydia there?"
I'm sorry, she's off today...Call Back Monday.
STD...May I help you?
"Clap....I Need CLAP!!!!
Sorry....Strange mood.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the itchiest host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
I have this little desk top curio, that when flipped over, it
becomes very active and colorful. A customer was in my office
today and commented that it was very ....Psychedelic!
On April 7, 1956....Psychologist Dr. Humphrey Osmond published
an article whereas the term Psychedelic was coined for the first time.
How old does that make the term now?
Talk about Synchronicity!!! hehehehehe
See Ya Tomorrow....I hope!
I know I know...Just pretend it's fucking Thursday OK?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Retro-One Shot.....
Ahhhh, the 60's!
Us kids had a pretty sweet deal for a while.
Absolutely ANYTHING was available from the back
pages of your Superman or Batman comic book.
I remember......
The year was 1964!
Because of that asshole Lee Harvey Oswald ordering
a $17.00 assassination rifle from Italy, we knew that the
supply of neat shit that you could order was about to dry up!
We had to act fast!
The "Foreign" couple that lived next door was always jibbering
in some strange language.
In their backyard garden, they only grew potatos and cabbage.
They had thick moustaches (even the 'wife')!!!
Their curtains were ALWAYS closed.
They had a pet Goat named Putana!!!
They never did laundry!
The Cold War made everyone suspicious of one another, and I was
no different. There was MUCH excitement when my "Man From
Uncle" spy pen arrived, I was going to learn more about this
sinister couple!! After gathering enough incriminating data to
hang Mr. and Mrs. Pinkoscovich, I decided to take matters into my own hands!
Even though I didn't live on any body of water, and the torpedos
would be useless, I knew that I could lob a couple of missles next door
and take care of my 'Vermin' problem!
Can I say something here? NEVER lob a Polaris Missle at a house
within 10 miles of yours...To this day I glow in the dark!!!
Shortly after this "incident", the Postal Service banned the shipment
of ALL Nuclear Subs. But let me tell you, they were Kick Ass!!!
Did any of you ever own any of these Mail-Order treasures?
Next Week...Sea Monkey's out of control!!!
Is it Wednesday?
Have any Art, Prose, or Poetry laying around? In ANY format?
Post it on your blog, then go visit .......HERE!!
I'm entering this under Nostalgic Satirical Silliness.
Monday, April 4, 2011
TMI Tuesday.....
Hi Boys and Girls...
Interested in any Retro-History regarding this day?
No.....Too bad!
April 4th, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered
in Memphis Tennessee by James Earl Ray. He was sentenced
to 99 years in prison.
In 1973 The World Trade Center's Twin Towers was completed
making them the Tallest buildings in the world!
In 1902 Cecil Rhodes left 10 Million Bucks in his will for qualified
American students to attend Oxford University in England.
In 1964 The Beatles held an unprecedented 12 spots on the Billboard
Top 100. The songs were...
"Can't Buy Me Love"
"Twist and Shout"
"She Loves You"
"I want to hold your hand"
"Please Please Me"
"I Saw Her Standing There"
"You Can't Do That"
"All My Lovin"
"Roll Over Beethovin"
"From Me To You"
"Do You Want To Know A Secret"
"Thank You Girl"
In 1933 USA Dirigible Airship The Akron crashes in New Jersey
killing 73 people in one of the 1st airship disasters!
1949... NATO was established..
1950... Little 4 month old baby Galen utters his first recognizable words
"Go Blue!"
Mr. Knowitall grows weary.... Peace!!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Last night at about 3:00 AM, my restfull tranquility was
disturbed when my son Reese and his buddy Blake decided
to grill up some Shish Kabobs. I was even more disturbed this
morning when I saw that my driveway resembled Booger Hole West
Virginia with the empty goosenecks, and my milk can being
used as a BBQ table. Three hours later Mother Nature belched
up one more dusting of the white stuff.....Grrrrrrrrrr!!
I'm SOOOO Over it!!
Have a Kick Ass Week Y'all!!!!!