Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Mandy....


25 years ago today, My daughter Amanda was born.
Her 1st night home, I slept under her crib all night long,
just to hear her breathe!
She was named after JR Ewings mistress Mandy Winger.
(JR was my all time favorite TV character!!)
She graduated from The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,
Just because she knew that her daddy would be so proud that
she would attend the college that I loved and graduated from.
She's been married for nearly 2 years to a fine young man Sean,
that loves her and treats her like the spoiled brat that she is.
They lived in Prague Czech Repuplic for over a year teaching
English. They now live in Istanbul Turkey doing the same thing.
I miss her terribly...
Happy Birthday Dollie...Daddy loves you very much!

(Mr. Knowitall has the night off....)


  1. Happy 25th Birthday to Your Lovely Daughter...

    She looks fabulous.

  2. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mandy!

  3. happy birthday to your little one proud poppa!

  4. Happy Birthday to your lovely Mandy! What a wonderful tribute from a great Dad.

  5. Hard to be that far away. Happy Birthday to her, and congratulations on having such a wonderful girl.

    JR's mistress??? Not the Barry Manilow song???

    *runs away fast*

  6. aw, she is your girl, no denying that. happy birthday to your precious mandy.

  7. Happy Birthday to your daughter. She looks just like you!

  8. Aww, what a nice post. You are such a softie G! I love it. Happy bday to your little girl.

  9. to see you as the proud papa, G. :)

    Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  10. Happy Birthday, Mandy! Hope your day was beautiful!

    It's hard when they live so far away, isn't it, Galen?

  11. happy birthday mandy!! your daddy loves you so much

  12. Mandy - hope you know how proud your daddy is of his girl!!!

    Best to you as you live life to the fullest

  13. Happy Birthday to Mandy! She is looking very lovely in those photographs!


  14. Happy Birthday to Mandy! She is SO pretty!

  15. Happy Birthday to Mandy

    No wonder you are proud of her. :)

  16. Hope your birthday is the first day of a great year for you kids.

    Old man I'd let you sleep under my bed but the old lady would think it was weird and you'd probably want the safety on the shotgun that you'd be sleeping with.

  17. G-Man, you sweet ol' teddy bear you! What a nice post about your little girl. She's lucky to have such a loving daddy. Happy birthday, Mandy!

  18. Your daughter is quite lovely (mine just turned 21.) Such a great thing, for her to have that story of her first night home with a loving dad to watch over her...

  19. What a beautiful story...thank you for sharing your heart here...blessings..bkm

  20. Awww. I just love reading about big love of father to daughter. She's a beautiful birthday girl.
