Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Micro-Fiction Monday.....

Note to Myself...
Never EVER trade shoes with a guy named Shaquille!
Every Monday Susan the MIA at Stony River, posts
a picture of her choosing on HER blog. You provide the
caption in 140 characters or less on YOUR blog, then
go tell her ....HERE!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sunday 160...

Boiled fried poached basted.
A hearty omellete, nothings wasted.
3 minute deviled scrambled ones are insane.
A cheesy fritata, Quiche Lorraine.
Me? Sunnysideup
Never mind the spelling and punctuation,
I have constraints here!!!
If you can do better in 160 characters exactly....
Go visit Monkey Man...Here!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....

I have a fraternity brother.
His name is Mike Smith.
In college we called him....Mondo!
He never laughed...He snickered.
He never glanced...He leered.
As a Senior, he dated a Freshman.
AND her 35 year old Mom...AT THE SAME TIME!!
You never knew where his hands had just been.
Good Ole Mondo....
I could do dozen's of posts on this guy, they don't
call you Mondo for nothing!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most nostalgic host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....

It's been God Awful windy as of late, so off to
Bo-Ric's hair place for a trim. I wouldn't let them
touch the back at all, and by the time that I get
the Hog out in a few weeks (wishful thinking), I'll
be sporting a Pony Tail!!!
Not bad for $15.55 eh?
Hmmmmm... That reminds me of something,
but I just can't remember what...
See Ya Friday, (or 8:00 PM EST Thursday)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tatanka Tanka One-Shot.....

Thundering hoof beats.
Guardians of The Prairie.
Bovine Majesty!
Cultures fade with your demise.
The white man's greed, still survives...
Sorry, I couldn't resist...
Visit the Literati at One Stop Poetry.
Monday, February 21, 2011
TMI Tuesday.....

In honor of Presidents Day, I thought it would be fun
to talk about some Presidential Nicknames and how
they came to be...
OLD HICKORY...Andrew Jackson. Some say he was as tough
as an old hickory tree. Others say his 'Branch' hung like an
old hickory!
THE GIPPER...Ronald Reagan. He portrayed legendary Notre
Dame footballer George Gipp in a Pat O'Brian movie.
SLICK WILLIE... Bill Clinton..Some say he was called this because
he could squirm his was out of controversy. Others say it was
because his Willie was always slick
JIMMY...James Earl Carter. Boring Nickname, boring President!
LBJ...Lyndon Baines Johnson. He was also nicknamed Light Bulb
Johnson, because he often went from room to room in the White House
shutting off all the lights left on.
TRICKY DICK...Richard Nixon. He suffered a bicycle riding injury as a
youth, and his 'member' was shaped like the letter 'C'!!
GRANNY...Rutherford B. Hayes. He didn't smoke, drink, or swear.
UNCLE JUMBO...Grover Cleveland. He nearly weighed as much as
Jumbo the Elephant!
THE WALRUS...Chester A. Arthur. His distinctive facial hair and large
girth made him resemble one. Koo Koo Ka Choo!
TIPPECANOE...William Henry Harrison. Every boat he ever got in to,
capsized immediately!!!
YOUNG HICKORY...James Polk...He was a prodege' of Andrew Jackson,
and his 'branch' didn't droop at all!!
BARRY...Barack Obama. He can imitate and sing just like Barry Gibb of
The Bee Gee's!
All this Nickname remembering is making Mr. Knowitall weary,
I bid you Adieu....
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Micro-Fiction Monday....

I'm gonna be late...I'm gonna be late
I'm gonna be....Hey wait a minute!
Is this Presidents Day Monday??
Every Monday the Houdini-Esque Susan at
Stony River posts a pic of her choice on her blog.
You provide the caption in 140 characters or less
on your post, then go tell her here!!
Sunday 160.....

I can feel your warm breath on every inch of my body.
It excites me! It brings back memories of when you
were with me. But your short stay is just an Evil Tease
Yep folks, I'm afraid Winter is not ready to leave yet.
Is it Sunday? Do you have a short story or poetry that
might only be EXACTLY 160 characters?
If you do, post it on your blog, then go visit Monkey Man
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Friday Flash 55...

You know Perseus, you should stop whining about
the pidily little obstacles that you have had to overcome
so far. Although I do admit that Medussa was kind of
a snaky bitch, consider yourself lucky!
Especially since I got so drunk last night, instead of
yelling release the Krakken, I screamed .....
"Release The Gherkin"!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!!!
So from the most Mythological host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....

I have a small confession to make.
My post?
It was all Bull-Shit!!
There were no personal computers in the late 60's!!!
We still used SLIDE-RULES for Pete's Sake !!
The Commadore 64 came out in the 80's!!
The last pic is a Commadore 55, but it's a 70's calculator!!
The middle 2 pics are also Commadore 55's, but they are
nothing more than model cars...
I hope this doesn't ruin my credibility...hehehehe.
All this 55 talk is reminding me that...That...Shoot, I forgot!
See Ya Friday...(Or 8:00PM EST Thursday)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Retro Wednesday.....

My old mousepad finally disintegrated, so I had to
dig deep in my jun...er treasures, and find another one.
Lo and behold My First Mousepad!!!
I've had this since the late 60's when I got my very
first computer, The Commadore 55!!
It used to be black and white, but I had it colorized
in 1970. I jusy KNEW that it would come in handy 40
years later!! Curley is STILL my favorite...
And who says Pot destroys your memory?
Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
TMI Tuesday.....

I know that I said last year that I was tired of
all the Tiger Woods Hoopla. But look, he lost his
family, his reputation, about 400 Million Bucks,
and he lost his game. He hasn't won a tournament
in over TWO years!!! Every Big Mouth Hooker
that he banged across America, has either talked
about him on Howard Stern's show, or wrote a "Kiss
and Tell" book about him. Enough is ENOUGH!
Not so fast my friend! The British Press is RAILING
poor Tiger right now for something TERRIBLE that
he did Sunday during the final round of The Dubai Classic.
He Horked a Loogy ON the putting surface at number 12!!
(He spit on the green)
Ewen Murray of The British Press called Woods, "Disgusting,
That was one of the ugliest things you'll ever see on a golf
course!" They also called him arrogant and petulant.
They raised sich a hissy fit about this incident that he is
now being fined an undisclosed amount for "breach of some
hoity-toity bull-shit etiquette thing"!
Hmmmm... Golf greens. Birds shit on them, slimy worms
have worm coitus on them, it's JUST GRASS!!!
C'mon...He apologized on Twitter!! Cut hims some slack...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sunday 160.....

They dressed just like cops.
But they sure didn't act like cops!
And since when did they all start carrying
Tommy Guns? Something sure seems fishy
about this..!
Is it Sunday?
Can you write a short story only using
160 characters EXACTLY?
If you can, post it on your blog, then go visit
Monkey Man...Here!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....

He cooks all his meals in One pot.
He loves Tulips!
On the rare occasion that he has a dinner date...
She has to pay for her own meal!!
He's Uncircumsized.
He smells faintly of dark chocolate and Amstel Light.
He has wooden clogs!
He once stuck a finger in Rosie O'Donnell...
His Nickname is......?
I'm thinking it's NOT Frenchie!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Freaky-Deaky host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....

I had a small check that I cashed today at the bank.
It was for 13 dollars EXACTLY!!
When I got back to the office, I had a very eerie
feeling eminating from my pocket. At first I thought
that I may have had a melting Hershey's Chocolate bar
in there. But upon closer examination,
I discovered something even more frightening!!!
Hmmmmm... Go Figure!
See Ya Friday....G
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sunday 160.....

Why are you here?
"I'm looking for The Light!
I certainly don't want to be haunting your
sorry ass much longer. So forget about the priests
and Holy Water OK"?
Is it Sunday?
Do you have any stories or poetry?
In EXACTLY 160 characters?
Yes?....Go Visit Monkey Man....Here!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....

Growing up, we had different visions of the future.
Orwell's 1884, Clark's 2001....
You can down-load porn on a PC.
If you're rich, survive HIV.
Buy a seat on a shuttle rocket.
A tiny phone in any pocket.
But what I REALLY want to know is....
Where the FUCK is MY Jet-Pack????
Thank You Tim Wilson for the idea...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....

The portrait of the day is Mother Nature!!
The top 2 pics are of my back deck now.
The 3rd pic is the same deck in November.
(See the Groundhog? I bet he didn't see his shadow today)
Being hunkered down, I had a hankering for some Beans.
This particular can was calling my name....Hmmmmm.
See you tomorrow....