Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tatanka Tanka One-Shot.....


Thundering hoof beats.
Guardians of The Prairie.
Bovine Majesty!
Cultures fade with your demise.
The white man's greed, still survives...

Sorry, I couldn't resist...
Visit the Literati at One Stop Poetry.


  1. LOL! Awesome, G-man!

    I've always thought of "Tatanka" when I see "Tanka" too!

    Oh, and YAHTZEE!

  2. and still carries on until today...such majestic beasts would love to see one in person....

  3. Excellent you are a natural at Tanka and here we have all been working at them for weeks

    Nice One Shot G

    thanks from the Moon

  4. About time we hooved ones were recognized!

  5. Very neat, Galen. I'm impressed with the serious tanka skillz here. Most excellent in form and substance.

  6. Okay, you couldn't resist, but that's okay because it was enjoyable!

  7. I guess I'll have a sald...HA

    Peace, hp

    I'm up

  8. A Tanka and a story of the history of America in such few lines. Excellent Tanka - great flow and imagery.

  9. We have a buffalo farm not far from here. Seeing them up close and personal - they are truly magnificent animals.

    Your last line is so sadly so very true, Galen. Loved your Tatanka Tanka.

  10. you're a poetically a-muse-ing writer.

    Fab Di

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  13. Its beautiful.. and I enjoyed your take on Tanka... lovely...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Connect with me at Twitter @VerseEveryDay

  14. Have I told you that you are just fabulous?!?!? If I have, hear it again... and if I haven't, well.. :
    G-Man, you are just plain fabulous!!! :)

    Okay, I am not huge on red meat... so this Tanka totally spoke to me!! :) Chicken-dear, here I come!! :)
    And I humbly bow before this slowly fading, yet thundering Bovine Lord!

  15. All greed still survives. This was just one more horrible instance of it. But the Tanka is powerful.

  16. i don't think i will ever forget seeing these creatures up close and personal when i was in yellowstone. sitting in the car, waiting for one to decided he was ready to evacuate from our assigned campsite so we could set up a tent. all i could think was, "a couple of tons of horns on the hoof and all i have to protect me is some thin nylon. holy crap..."

  17. Preach, Brother!

    Buffalo are truly gorgeous.

  18. You are branching out, Galen. Your poem spoke volumes to me. Nice to visit you on a day other than Friday.
