When did my jokes stop being funny?
When did our love depend upon money?
When did we start fighting at the drop of a hat?
When did my cute butt become suddenly fat?
When did I become evil because of my snoring?
When did my advances become selfish and boring?
Our once Grand Illusion has turned into a sham....
Way too much water, has gone over the dam!
If you have a short story, poetry, or prose in your head.
Post it on your blog, and go tell the One Stop Poetry Crew...Here!
See Ya Tomorrow....Peace!!!
oh man...i felt that one in the pit of my stomach...a sickening feeling at that point...nice one shot g daddy!
(ps. fixed your link...it went to last weeks)
unfortunately I can relate..well written
very well written. you captured the feeling perfectly
Oh yeah. Kindred spirits, me & you.
Nicely done, simply & powerfully put.
Galen, this is amazing. You're the one who ROCKS! I can so relate to this, and I know I won't be alone.
well... that one tugged at my spleen.
first visit here
nice place ya got:)
Whoa... this one really hits home. Fierce, G-Man.
You're killing me G-Man......too many questions with too much truth to face and too many sad answers.
.....and once the water is over the dam, there is no bringing it back.
This is beautiful, but heartbreaking.
Oh G, I've been there. This is heartbreakingly real. And so well crafted. Gotta say, this is my favorite of yours. Your fan,
good one shot on love gone bad...perfectly portrayed.
Did you write this about me? You've captured that mid-life falling apart crisis feeling perfectly.
Mine is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/10/19/song-of-my-heart/
I can imagine the dust-up that would arise were any one of those questions asked. Love the last line.
So many questions, probably one answer : Marriage!
Ya know poetry on paper is eloquent and inspiring. Living the stuff we (poets) write is another ball of wax.
You have evoked alot of genuine emotion through this my friend.
There are many who appreciate you a great deal.
Hugs from the Moon
well now,
here's a happy subject
everyone can relate to...!
ps love the new paint job
on the blog, baby...
All in the eyes-
then in your words.
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
Oh, you tugged my heartstrings with this one, G-Man. Yes, there is that nasty flip side...
A sad poem, but a great one.
Ah Ha! I was right all along,
other people do feel this way!
ooops, I didn't mean that.
Hahaha, time to take inventory, 50 - 25 equals 25.
50 + 25 equals 75,
I think I have 5 more before I decide.......
Fab Di
whoa, a blast of reality... well done, g-man!
It's sad when that happens.:(
Thankfully it hasn't happened to me and my love.
Nice rhyming, G-Man... I hope it's not too literal.
Unfortunately know this place all too well...very well done! ~April
Amazing! Witty, nice flow, and impacts like a punch to the gut.
The truth can be painful. You revealed it mercilessly.
Great one shot!
this was very well written galen - and i think lots of people can relate and i always wonder where this turning point starts that takes us from one side to the other - sad thing..nice one shot
Heartbreaking! Excellent oen shot.
Oh G-Man, You and C make a sad, but amazingly poetic pair. Love the rhymes, but feel for you with the meanings behind them. Be well
I commented last night. But I just noticed that One Shot's Mr. Linky says: "G-Man (fixed)"
I didn't know you were broken... ;-)
You captured the sadness and mystery behind why two can be so close and yet grow so far apart. Very sad when it happens.
way too common sadly. you've captured the heartache well.
time to move on ;)
awesome one shot!
That's very sad.
so sad when that happens and it happens way too much! Nicely done :)
That is so sad...and happens too often.
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