Mr. Knowitall has the Evening off...
Top Pic, Reese Harmon Haynes Turns 21 Today!
Amanda Haynes with all her worldly possessions
Awaiting the train To Bucharest.
Goodbye to Prague (Praha)
Second Class sleeping coach
Arriving at the Romanian train station
Notice Dracula?
The Carpathian Mts.
The Carpathian Mts.
Taking a boat across the Bosphorus
The Blue Mosque
The obelisk of Thutmose III brought to
Constantinople 2500 years ago by Roman troops.
The street by where her new APT. is located.
Can I tell you all something?
Please go HUG your children right now.
While they are still within your reach...
See ya all tomorrow....G
smiles. heading to kiss mine good night....enjoy the night off g-daddy...a wonderful looking fam you got there...
Why is she heading to turkey?????
Happy birthday Reese!
Mine left on Sunday Morning back for the university! :/
Holding mine close a little longer. Happy B-Day to Reese; my oldest girl celebrates a B-Day this week too.
thanks for the reminder
take care
had a nightmare my youngest was kidnapped this morning, hugs all around GDaddy.
Happy Birthday, we are glad you were born to your life this day, and have more days to celebrate it ....
The world is small and we are smaller, be glad she can grow.
envious of her, sad for you,
I'm with Dianne - envious of your daughter's travels as well, because I never went anywhere and now it's pretty much too late (unless I wait for retirement, lol!)...but I totally get how it must hurt your heart to have her so far away. I sometimes wish i could keep my two right in this exact moment, mine forever...
And a very happy birthday to your son! 21...a big year.
Thanks for sharing your family with us, g-man...
Spectacular scenery! What a grand adventure those kids are having.
I hug my beautiful, loving daughter everyday and thank God for her.
Not able to hug my son as often, but if I had an intense urge, I could drive 4 hours and be within hugging distance.
Our children are our treasures.
God help all those children out there whose parents don't treat them that way.
Congratulations on your 21st Reese!
I know it's hard when your kids are away from home but your daughter is obviosly having a ball G-man. You can hug her when she gets home. x
Your children know how to live, G-Man! They look so happy! :))
Happy Birthday to Reese!
When I saw the foreign language in the pics of your daughter, my heart ached a little for you. Hang in there, G-Man!
I never had kids - but I was one. And I can tell you this. A girl will always need her daddy! :)
wow, little Reece-y is 21?
wasn't he just like, 16?
mazel tov...!
ps good advice about
the hugging of the kids...
mine have both
flown the coop...
You have a beautiful family! Happy birthdays and travels to them. It must be bittersweet to watch them grow and become such beautiful independent adults, yet feel that they will always be the tiny infants sleeping so sweetly in your arms. Or maybe I'm just speaking for myself -- and my son is only 4!
Unfortunately, time still cannot be bottled.
:) Thanks for sharing this, G-man.
a belated happy birthday to reese! and can i confess a wee bit on envy of mandy for being able to blow about the world with the breeze?
Thanks for the update. I've seen the last few things when I was in Turkey. What an adventure for her!
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