Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday Flash 55.....
Box Turtle, Chipmunk, Short-Legged Lizard
A nearly whole Turkey....
But a Vulture ate the Gizzard!
Porcupine, Woodchuck, a Gopher met his fate.
Deep-Fried or Boiled, squished Rabbit tastes mighty great!
My favorite dish is Possum
It fills my heart with glee...
Hell.... It was good enough for FDR
It's good enough for Me!!!
By the time you are reading this, I'll be Long Gone!
But if you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please leave a comment..
The Most Gracious Crew over at One Stop Poetry,
has decided to help The G-Man out.
So for Today ONLY, you have TWO options.
You may leave a comment here....
Or you may leave a comment .....HERE!
Either Moondustwriter, Adam, Pete, or Brian, will....
Visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most grateful host from coast to coast..
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday Portrait.....
This morning I delivered a 2011 Chevy Traverse .
I squeezed one last drop to get this amount into the tank.
Later the same afternoon as I was gassing a 2010 Silverado for delivery, I squeezed THIS amount into the tank.....
Now don't forget about Friday!
It's business as usual, but I have a BIG surprise for those that play.
Bring yer appetite...
Peace Y'all..!!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
One Shot Wednesday....
My impending journey into the Hinterland of rural America, has inspired me to submit these humble Haiku's to The Fine Crew over at One Stop Poetry's One Shot Wednesday.
Any short story, prose, or poetry in ANY form, should be posted on your blog, then please go ...Here!
Strange Marsupial
With that creepy...toothy grin
Get Out of The Road!!!
Highway Smorgasbord
Tastes just like chicken!
Monday, September 27, 2010
No-Info Tuesday.......
Hi Everybody...
A buddy of mine's Father-In-Law passed away recently.
His family has owned over 640 acres in the Mountains of
West Virginia for decades.
He has been buggin me to
go with him to visit the place for several years, and since I am
in Dire Need of a vacation, I finally relented.
So this Thursday Morning I am setting out for a very remote
and rustic getaway. All I know at this point is that I drive South on US-77 until I get to The Possum Hollow exit. Any way, I suspect that internet access is quite limited, but I have made arrangements for Friday Flash 55 to go on without skipping a beat.
Details will be disclosed later this week.
Mr. Knowitall has been very busy as of late, and has NOTHING to say tonight!
My Buddy also alluded to the fact that his FIL quite possibly may have dabbled in illegal distillation of alcoholic beveridges....
Really? In God-Fearing Rural West Virginia?
We shall soon find out....
See you tomorrow for One Shot Wednesday...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Micro-Fiction Monday.....
Ha! Mr. Sasquatch was Right!
Trim the hair. Take a bath.
Wear some frumpy human clothes with a hat.
And you can go anywhere in broad daylight.
Susan over at Stony River.....Here!
Hosts a weekly writing challenge called, Micro-Fiction Monday.
She posts a weekly picture of her choice...
YOU provide the caption in 140 characters or less.
Try It.....You'll Like it!
She took this pic herself in Washington this Summer.
Carry On, and have a Kick Ass Week....G
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Coffee Talk/Sunday 160....
The forrests are exploding.
With every color, shade, and hue.
But the only colors that I really care about.
Are Michigan's Maize and Blue!
What a Kick Ass Day!
Hi Everybody...
Michigan Steamrolled poor Bowling Green 65-21.
Next week starts Big 10 Conference play....
The REAL Season Begins!!
Home-Made biscuits with Sausage Gravy
Went with My Mill Mountain Dark Roast Coffee...
Have a Kick Ass Week....
Mine will be a short one...Details later!
I'm stopping to smell the coffee, and a very LONG Week-End!
Sunday 160 is a composition of your choice,
with exactly 160 characters!
Sort of like a Maxed Out Text Message!
The Monkey Man hosts this .....Here!
Please pay him a visit....G
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Friday Flash 55.....
.....And that was Brian Miller with,
"I outed you...You crazy Bitch"!
The G-Man here on B.L.O.G. Radio.
Coming up on the hour...
Friday Flash Fifty-Five with Yours Truly.
Sunday 160 with that Simeon Sensation.. Monkey Man.
And Micro-Fiction Monday hosted by The Mensan Munchkin.
Proudly sponsored by...RALLY's
"Ya Gotta Eat".
More Drama this week than a Euripides play! Hehehehe...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Thursday Portrait...
Yesterday we got sent to training on the new 2011 Chevy Cruze!
What a magnificent tribute to 21st century technology and commitment
to building a dependable and Eco-Friendly automobile.
The Heritage Center in Sterling Hgts. Michigan, houses some of THE
most classic cars that GM has ever built. See that orange car?
"Here Come Da Judge"...A 1970 GTO.
The other cars shown are there for OBVIOUS reasons..hehehehe
After the training session, we were famished, and we all had a hankerin
for some Hot Wings! And we all know who has the best wings eh?
Thanks for visiting, and see you tomorrow...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
One Shot Wednesday.....
The Chicks all Love him.
He's the Life of the Party!
He is One Fun-gi.........
He is One Fun-gi.........
From his shape you can sure understand.
Why he is loved and so much in Demand...
He could end up in a Ballad..
An accompaniment to a Salad..
Or in the drawer of a Hot Wood Nymph's Nightstand!
Hi Everybody...
I've been very busy as of late, and I apologize for not visiting as I would like to.
Please Don't take offense.
This week I didn't really have the time for anything other than a Haiku and a Limerick.
This post was done for the Fine Crew Over at One Stop Poetry. Every Wednesday, Please compose a short story, poetry, or prose of any subject matter, post it on your Blog, then go visit...Here!
Thanks for visiting....Peace!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
TMI Tuesday.....
Mr. Knowitall had a very long and busy day at work, and will return next week with TMI Tuesday's..."Ask Mr. Knowitall"!
But for today, I have something different planned for you Loyal Faithful, that may choose to share....
In 1970, One of the jobs I had while working my way through college, was working at the local YMCA's Business Man's Club. One of the 'perks' of working there was a free membership to the facilities. Late one Saturday night about an hour from closing time, I was sitting in the steam bath with just a towel wrapped around me, just sitting and sweating and cleansing my pores mind you, when in walks Dom DeLuise...Naked as a Jaybird! He was in town for a local stage production for The Starr Theater, and they gave them a free temporary BMC Membership from the Chamber of Commerce.
Anyway...We were just sittin and sweatin and chillin, when I asked him; "Hey Dom..? You were on The Dean Martin Show, did you ever....You Know? Make it with any body famous?" He looked at me with a sardonic grin and said..."I once banged the maid of Sally Anne Howes!"
I'm telling you I laughed for 45 minutes.
Have any of you ever had a brush with a celebrity?
If yes....Please share.
Thanks for visiting, see you tomorrow...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Micro- Fiction Monday....
Don't worry Sugar, I'll slip these shoes on before we go inside the Restaurant. They are the only pair I own, and I want to make them last another 10 years!
The Lovely Susan over at Stony River....Here!
Hosts a weekly writing exercise called Micro-Fiction Monday.
She posts a picture, YOU provide the Caption in 140 Characters or Less!
Have a Kick Ass Week.......G
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Coffee Talk/Sunday 160....
In the Nineties you were The Shit!!
State of the Art!
With you buzzing that your owner was in demand,
the word incommunicado had become archaic.
The Space Age!
Hi Everybody....
Remember the Pager?
For a brief shining moment...They Ruled!
Then just as quickly, they become obsolete!
Don't Blink.....
Yesterday Me and My Friend Barry went to the U of M
VS. the U of M game.
(Michigan /Massachusetts)
There was Coffee in the Morning, but mostly the rest of the day it was MGD 64 celebrating Michigans Narrow victory..42-37.
A Win is a Win!!!!!
Have a Kick Ass Autumn Week...
Have a Kick Ass Autumn Week...
Sunday 160 is hosted by The Monkey Man.
Interested? Write a short story or poem, with EXACTLY 160 charactors. Including spaces. Sort of like a Maxed Out Text Message.
To find out more..... Go Here!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Friday Flash 55.....
Last week while taking a nap,
Father Alberto dreamed he was the star of a Fellini movie.
Was it a dream?
1.) Referring to the style of Italian Director Federico Fellini.
It's become synonymous with extravagant, fanciful,
and even Baroque images in cinema and art.
2.) Dreams and reality are sometimes perceived as one experiance!
Yeah I know...I'm on an "esque" roll. (Pun Intended)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most dreamlike host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Last week while taking a nap,
Father Alberto dreamed he was the star of a Fellini movie.
Was it a dream?
1.) Referring to the style of Italian Director Federico Fellini.
It's become synonymous with extravagant, fanciful,
and even Baroque images in cinema and art.
2.) Dreams and reality are sometimes perceived as one experiance!
Yeah I know...I'm on an "esque" roll. (Pun Intended)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most dreamlike host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Thursday Portrait.....
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
One Shot Wednesday....
It seems to me that it's easy to glorify the beautiful things in life with poetry or prose. A firey sunset, majestic mountains, a country road.....Love! But if we stop and appreciate ALL the little things on Earth, we just might surprise ourselves.
Take the above picture for example. I'm going to attempt to honor this useful little eyesore, using THREE different poetic forms....Enjoy!
Bastion of Relief
Protector of the Environment
Green God of Urinary Expulsion
Whether you are...
Gathering dust in a Construction Zone
The destination of long squirming lines of people at a Concert
Or tucked away in some remote corner of a County Park
You are unfailing in your duty
The Dichotomy
People Hate to smell you
People Love to see you
But always making them leave with a Smile
You are a true....Portal of Pleasure!!
Vile destination
Odiferous cube of Stench
Where is your paper?
You unbuckle your pants in a rush
The seat needs to be cleaned with a brush
Theres always piss on the floor
And a crack in the door
But you can "Pinch One" without having to flush!!
If you have a story, poetry, or prose that you would like to share, please visit the Very Talented crew over at One Stop Poetry. They host One Shot Wednesday, and you can find it ... here.
Thanks for stopping by....
Monday, September 13, 2010
TMI Tuesday...
A Mr. Seamus Flanagan of Chicago Illinois asks..."Dear Mr. Knowitall, I LOVE Potatoes! And I Love all things Irish. Could you please give me some Info about the relationship between the two"?
Dear Seamus, Of Course I can!!
1.) No one in Ireland or most of Europe even heard of potatoes before the 1600's. Spuds, which originated in South America, arrived via The Spanish and English explorers.
2.) Potatoes grew prolifically in the rocky craggy Irish soil. You could grow enough spuds on a half acre to feed a family of 6 for a year!
3.) You can live on potatoes! All you need is to add a little Butter-Milk or fish, or maybe some cabbage, for fat and some vitamin A.
4.) Although very nutricious, a working man needs about 14 pounds a day to stay healthy and active if they are all you are eating.
5.) By the 1840's, about 3 Million people were eating potatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
6.) Spuds kept people so healthy, that the poor produced more babies than ever before. 50 years after the potato was introduced, Ireland's population DOUBLED!
7.) By 1845, one third of all the tilled soil in Ireland was devoted to the potato.
8.) In 1845, a fungus named PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS, attacked the potato crop. Leaves turned black, new growths withered, and those already full grown, turned soft, black, and smelly. Those 3 Million poor folks depending on just spuds to eat...Suddenly had nothing! Other crops grew just fine, but the poor could not afford them!
9.) The Irish Potato Famine lasted to about 1851.
10.) No one knows for sure how many Irish died as a result of The Famine, but historians put the figure as high as 1.1 Million people. Another 1 million or so left the country. Many for the United States.
Good Question Seamus, I hoped that I gave you some useful information.
But all this Spud Talk has made Mr. Knowitall grow weary...
I bid you Adieu.....
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Micro-Fiction Monday....
You have the same shoes!
"No I don't".
The same coat!
"No I don't".
The same hat!
"No I don't".
The same purse!
The same purse!
"No I...Well, maybe....
Susan over at Stony River, is the Hostess for Micro-Fiction Monday.
You can find her ...Here.
Write a caption in 140 words or less from a weekly picture of Susan's choice. It's challenging and fun! Tune in tomorrow, for another exciting adventure with...Ask Mr. Knowitall!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday 160....Hold The Coffee!
Larry Talbot loved these Moon less nights.
He could finally get a good nights sleep!
Because all too soon, he would be joining the other
Children of the Night.!!
I'm forgoing this weeks obligatory Mug Shot for effect on my Sunday 160 hosted most admirably By The Monkey Man.....Found Here!
I'm also sparing you the exciting details of Michigan's last second Victory over long time rival Notre Dame yesterday in South Bend...
It was Glorious!!!!
I sure hope you know who Lawrence Talbot was.
If not....This 160 might be a bit vague.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Friday Flash 55.....
Why does that stupid word keep popping into my head?
HOW do I even know what it means?
How did I get into this situation?
Why can't they just leave me alone?
ADJ. 1. KAFKAESQUE-Relating to the writings of Franz Kafka.
2.Often characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most surreal host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Why does that stupid word keep popping into my head?
HOW do I even know what it means?
How did I get into this situation?
Why can't they just leave me alone?
ADJ. 1. KAFKAESQUE-Relating to the writings of Franz Kafka.
2.Often characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most surreal host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thursday Portrait.....
Fall MUST be just around the corner!!
Our boss brought in Cider, Apples, and Doughnuts Hot Out Of The Grease!
It must have worked because I finally delivered a New Silverado!
The customers were very nice folks, and their son Matt posed in front of the truck. He was a good boy and also helped me change the plate!
Doncha just LOVE a fresh dipped Carmel Apple?
Or is it Caramel?
Who cares? They were mighty tasty!
See you tomorrow.