Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday Portrait.....

This morning I delivered a 2011 Chevy Traverse .
I squeezed one last drop to get this amount into the tank.
Later the same afternoon as I was gassing a 2010 Silverado for delivery, I squeezed THIS amount into the tank.....
Now don't forget about Friday!
It's business as usual, but I have a BIG surprise for those that play.
Bring yer appetite...
Peace Y'all..!!!


  1. when are you gonna deliver a new chevy traverse or silverado over here? ;o) lol how ya been, g? i'm slowly working my way back into blogging. i only have handful of reviews up lately, but i plan to start actually posting stories. i don't want to be a blog w only reviews. those are boring. haha

  2. Oooh! I'm intrigued!

    See you tomorrow! :)

  3. Aren't you the perfect squeezed. LOL Mines ready to go. Ooh a surprise. Wonder if it includes moonshine and roadkill. LOL Have fun. See ya

  4. Hmm. Friday surprises can often be fun. I guess we'll find out.:)

  5. Ya know my Chevy Silvarado is a little bit thirstier than that one.

    you aren't gonna bring back 55 critters are you?

    Happy trails G!!!

  6. Peace - and have a safe trip to "holler country". Looking forward to the BIG surprise.....


  7. Glad to see vehicles moving off the lot!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

  8. where do i call for delivery? smiles. nice...and nice price..see you tomorrow g!

  9. can you deliver me a small, gas efficient model?

  10. I love surprises but as you know I quit the 55 last week. I'll pop in the check it out tho :-)

  11. so that's what you do all day. drive cars around and fill up to 55????? kewl!

  12. Did you get a free car wash with that price?

  13. Is that your latest squeeze then? ;)

    Oooh a surprise, I love surprises. :)

  14. Love the color of the first one...I'm going out of town again, so I'll try and work my 55 in today!
    early bird catches the worm...:P

  15. I'm sorry but if I had to put $55 of gas in my tank I'd slit my throat. 20 bucks a week for me is more than enough.

    Can't wait to see what you have up you sleeve. Mine's already posted, so hurry up already.

    Flash 55 - Appeasing the Gods

  16. My Ford Focus only takes $28.00 max. I might get a second one and buy $55!


  17. How do you find all of these 55's? You are so amazing!
