Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thursday Portrait

Hi Everybody...
This week Kroger had raspberries 5 for 5!!
That gave me an idea!!!!
I had some Raspberry Margarita mix from Big Lots..$2.50
I had this DELICIOUS tequila That the sales guy at the ABC highly recomended.
A few seconds in the blender...Voila!!
Very refreshing on a HOT Summer Night.
It does remind me of something else, but I need another drink to remember what...
See Ya Tommorrow...Peace!!!


  1. cool pic I'm ready for Friday see ya then

    Date Night

    Thanks for reading...

  2. nice. i may or may not be in one written but we leave for the lake at lunch and wont be back til saturday...just feels wrong to be up and not visit anyone until late...if not i will catch you next week...

  3. Cheers, g-man! Looks YUMMY!

    I'm still waiting for inspiration to hit...but should manage to pull 55 words together somehow, even if it doesn't. :)

  4. That Margarita actually looks pretty good. And it looks like it made you very happy!:)

  5. yum yum... do you have enough to share.

  6. I don't think I could drink 55 but I'd give it a go! ;)

  7. that sounds sinfully yummy!!!
    why didn't you share????
    i'm going to promises though...

  8. I love berries! My blackberries are just starting to come in. I collect them as they ripen and freeze them, then I make blackberry sorbet. Mmmmm!

  9. mmm never had Margaritas with raspberries - may become a favorite.
    Ya really need to invite us all over if you are mixin

    I'm ready with 55

  10. WOW!
    Great minds think alike.
    Our local Kroger had raspberries on sale too!
    (10 for $10)

    I love raspberries. A lot.

    However, after eating ten packages of them in the past two days, I don't want to see any more raspberries again for a long, long, long time. :P

    I had to eat them quickly because otherwise they go moldy. (They were already starting). (And I can't stand putting them in the freezer because that completely changes the texture; the berries are never the same afterward.) It's fresh or nothing.

    So wow, yes, I am F-U-L-L of raspberries right now.

    Not bad, considering I've been accused of being full of much worse things. :)

  11. See, I would be unable not to just eat the raspberries.
