Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Retro Wednesday.....

Remember last weeks Awwwwww post?
Well...Here's another Rocking Horse style with springs!
Uncle Buff reminded me with a comment that there was one like this still around the house.
I'd say around 1955 again...
Save a Rocking Horse...Ride a Cowboy!!
Sorry....Too many Honky Tonks.....


  1. Ha! I had one of those...haven't thought of it in years, it is LONG gone now.

    Retro indeed. :)

  2. My childhood horses consisted of a horse that was a stick body and a mop looking a little like a horse's head on top - alternating with my bicycle masquerading as a horse. :)


  3. Those are adorable! I had one with springs when I was a kid and I loved that thing.:)

  4. i loved mine, wooden hand made, on those springs.

    you must have a curio shop, or an antique shop, or a pawn shop,

    all my favorite haunts, I haven't bought anything new in years....

    Happy Summer Solstice, half-week

    FAB DI

  5. hey i had one of those things!! i rode it hard bout tipped the darn thing over!! loved it so much hated that i got too big for it!!

  6. I used to have a metal rocking horse on springs. :)

  7. Mine was tan with a blonde mane! Same design, though..

  8. i prefer the ones with springs. i can't tell you how hard i looked for one for my son when he was little and couldn't find one anywhere. of course once he was too big for them i saw them EVERYWHERE. grr....
