Hi Everybody....
I hope you stayed nice and dry this week-end.
It was a soaker here!
I'm not much of a fan of franchise pizza places. There is a little mom and pop place in Flint called Sicily's, that has been in business for over 50 years. They are only open from 3-11pm Tuesday-Sunday...Closed Monday. You can not go in thru the front door, you have to go in thru the back door and thru the kitchen. It's just like somebody's home, AND they make you feel like one of the family!
My favorite pizza is an extra large with extra pepperoni...$19.65 with tax. It may seem a bit steep, but the crust is to Die For! It's thin, it's chewy, it's very limp and pliable in the NYC tradition. The sauce is tangy, and the pepperoni is spicy but the quality is so high that you never get heartburn. The best part is that it is just as good cold, as it is hot.
Do you have a local pizza joint that blows the franchises out of the water?
Tell me about it, and your favorite toppings.
Mmmmmm.....this kinda tops the Geno's $1.39 frozen one I'm eating as we speak.
We should go there sometime.
Hope your Sunday has been drier than the last 3 days.
I'm still waiting for you to check out my 55. did I make you mad?? :( jeNN
Oooh, what a post. We've got no decent pizza places at all here, which leaves us going to Pizza Hut in Sligo, about an hour away.
We had a soaker here too; terrible rain in the middle of bright sunshine then a long grey drizzle. It would make a Monday look good. *sigh*
I know this will gross you out, but we buy deli pizza at Walmart and add more to it, e.g., green olives, onions, mushrooms, and pineapple. Their crust is wonderful.
Aurelio's in Naples Florida...Just the way I like. Sweet Italian sausage, mushrooms,and what else I don't even know. But LOTS of the above on thin THIN crust...but I like mine crusty, not chewy (I'm an old guy, ya know?)
And they make it JUST RIGHT! Also Pasta salad is GooooD! I don't know what it all costs, I just pay, and it's WORTH it!
PEACE, Mr G-Man!
I love the Supreme Pizza from Pizza hut. A large a mere 25.00 pffft. Another damn loss this weekend here :) pffft yet again. You too? Sigh...let's gorge on pizza and beer :)
There is a pizza place called Enzo's in Tucker, Georgia (a suburb of Atlanta and where I live.) The guy moved here from New York and it seems pretty authentic. I love The Nancy - sicillian style crust, but all vegetables. I'm not a vegetarian, but love all vegetables - especially on pizza. You can get it by the slice, too.
Sorry about your soaker of a weekend. That pizza looks good, though I'm not crazy about pepperoni. Around here, the very best pizza comes from Goodfellas. It's truly to die for.
That pizza looks delicious. Send us a slice. Tough day for our teams yesterday, G. My Beavs couldn't close USC and Penn St was too much for your Blue and Gold. Sorry....I'm feeling it for you.
Jennifer...You'd love it!
JeNN...I swear I commented, cause I remember it. Blogger must have ate it...(I did another comment...:-)
Susan...There's an Idea for a business for you then...:-)
Boomer...I love doctorin up pizza, nothing wrong with that!
Stevarino...Aurelio's sounds like my kind of place. The next time I'm in Naples, I'll remember that!
Thom...Pizza Hut?
C'Mon Brotha!!
Lynn...Enzo's sounds authentic enough. I like a Vedgie Za now and then myself...:-)
Hi Red...:-)
I've had Goodfella's Pizza!!!
The crust is delicious!
As is most things from around those parts...:P
MM.....Missed your 55.
Yesterday was a soaker, but today was sunny and cool in NE Ohio.
Since I moved here from NY I have only found one place, Angelo's that comes close to measuring up. They have really good toppings too like carmelized onions, spinach, garlic, scallions, and really good sausage. I wish I could have some Nurchi's,Tony's or Corteses whenever I wanted. That's the sad thing, I miss the food in NY more than the people!(except for big jeNN of course)
Ours is Haus of Pizza. Been around forever and usually have to wait to get a table. We don't get much authentic NY pizza around these parts.
Sending you some CA sunshine...we had a gorgeous, warm summer day!
Go Angels!
hmm I am not sure there are ANY mom and pop places left here. and paychecks cut in half we look for the cheap and cheaper!
BUT when we do have the $$ it is a vegetarian at a brick oven joint with a pitcher of cold...
used to, not anymore, now we're down to franchise, but have found a really good one, i have to admit. i love mixed peppers, avocado, pepperoni and peppadews, yum!!!!!
We have a pizza house here in Oregon it's called abby's. I love it they even have a pizza called The taco pizza with all the same ingrediants as a taco lots of cheese, burger, tomatoes,really good once in a while. But then they have a killer combo too.
Missed you at my place friday for my 55. Hang in there Gman see ya friday.
I like that frozen store brand at Meijers. I don't know what the toppings are, it is hard to tell.
palumbos where i grew up is stil a mom and pop place with the very best pizza and hoagies. it's their dough. it's perfection. then tehy put the perfect amount of sauce and cheese on top. mmm....
where i am now there is a mom and pop place run by iranians that actually has what i consider to be the best pizza in this area. close second is a new york style place that's a hole in the wall on main street.
Big G, That is where we always got our pies from when I was little shaver. I haven't had one in years. We need to hook up for the big 6 O.
i love mom and pop places...they put that little extra into it...peperoni and jalepeno or onion...mmmm...
We have one right around the corner that has been around for years. We like the chicken parm pizza.
Book Review #4 - Drood
I'm not a pizza fan at all. I think we have a Pizza Express in our little town but I've never tried it. :)
No we have no Pizza Place. Dragons aren't much for Pizza.
But we dp have a pizza or a bone to pick with you.
We try hard to be one of the first one's to comment on your 55 so we can be sure you comment on ours.
We like your comments.
But last week you didn't comment. You broke our hearts and dragon hearts are big. That's a lot of breakage.
We hope you didn't misread our comment which was that what happened to the man who need a boil pricked was horrible not your story.
In any case we were sitting around whining about it when somebody said " Go drop a rock" which is a dragon idiom for stop whining and do something about it.
So we did.
We have one, but I haven't been there -- although I believe they're doing very well.
I'm a little behind ... I'll be checking on everyone's 55, playing catch-up.
Have a great week G!
No apology:
needed Gman I was just wondering. Blogger probably ate it or the pesky outlook express ate it one or the other. I'm sure. YOU have a great weekend I'll see you Friday.
Thanks Again.
JeNN he ateed it with that pizza! The blogger didn't!
Sad to say...I haven't found any pizza that compares to my NJ/NYC metro area stuff...:( I keep searching!
Vitale's on Leonard in G.R.,MI
Fred's on Plainfield in G.R.,MI
Florentine's on Plainfield in G.R.,MI
Fricano's in Grand Haven Mi
I sooo want to go there!
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