Holy Shit people....
I've been reamed more times today than Elton John!!!
It seems that Blogger had chosen last Friday NOT to publish at least 3 of my comments on Friday Flash 55. And those are just the ones that I've been made aware of. This is very disturbing to me. I take great pride in answering ALL of the Friday contributors. Now I can't say that I haven't missed a few late entries, but for the most part I'm pretty good about such things. On JeNN's, and on Larry's, viewer approval had to be OK'd by the author. I can see where comments could be lost in Blog Hinterland. But on Fandango's, I don't know what happened. I absolutely remember reading and commenting on EVERYBODY's 55 last Friday!!
Lets get another thing straight....I LOVE Friday's posts!! I LIVE for Friday!!
I even have my Halloween 55 already written!! I never ever get mad about anyone's comments about how silly, naughty, or groan causing my modest offerings are.
This embarrassment caused by Bloggers technical glitches makes me terribly NONPLUSSED!!!
So hear me now...If you do not get a comment from me by Noon on the following Saturday after posting a Friday Flash 55.....Let me know, PLEASE.
This weeks TMI Tuesday is being postponed a week due to this SNAFU...Sorry!
I've had comments eaten by Blogger, so I know this isn't a case of "the dog ate my homework." Though, in all honesty, I have had dogs eat my homework and various other household items. Sorry about your Blogger snafu, though; that's never fun and nonplussing Galen is a crime against nature.:)
aww, sweet of yo uto make sure folks know what the real story was. sorry blogger gave it to you up the arse.
I remember seeing your comment on Fandango's blog. Yet another reason to go Word Press. LOL. my 55 is done already as well!! WOOT
awe, you know technology has its problems, usually though it is between the keyboard and the chair.
i too live for 55 Friday. Last week i had 30 comments!!!
so i am working on it now!! hey do you have any fun facts foe supreme court justice john marshall?!?
i've had them eaten as well...nice of you to acknowledge despite the circumstances. having a lot of fun with the 55 thing, thanks for letting me tag along...
Playing the victim role really doesn't suit you...teehee
Galen, I was moving and didn't get a 55 up on Friday. I plan to read all of last weeks by mi week so I find some inspiration. Other than in the bottom of the millionth box I've unpacked since Friday.
Hey - at least we ate cold mac n cheese at a TABLE tonight...
Really Gman wasn't a biggie on this end. Been busy today and I have my 55 ready for friday also. I think everybody will like it at least I hope. This 55 has turned out to be a fun thing to do. I've also posted to the meme express today just a picture of a few pumpkins my niece painted last year. Today I was cruising the web and found a really cool website for oldfarts like me I'm sure all would enjoy.
Fifties & Sixties
aaah, so that's your excuse?? hey, just kidding, i actually believe you, blogger can be very fickle.
Blogger has a mind of it's own sometimes! :(
It's not just you; Blogger has been acting way funny this week. Yesterday I sat down to catch up on blog comments and nearly lost my mind when most of the comment windows came up blank---over and over again. Jeesh. Good luck THIS Friday! I have my 55 ready too, but I'm trying to come up with a more Halloween-themed one instead.
What Blogger does to comments sometimes is amazing. When I see a blog that has the Comment Moderation on I get nervous because I have always been in the habit of checking that my comments have "stuck" and with CM I can't be sure.
My 55 is done already, too.
Sean the Vampire - Part Six - A Halloween Recap
shyte happens
Maybe it is some of those enhancements they have in place now. I had checked that I wanted the new editing, but got frustrated and went back to the old one. Thankfully I still could. :)
Love the title, G-Man! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! :))
Don't worry g we still luvs ya...:)
And when I don't see your comment I come back and check, again and again...LOL Take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your week! ;)
When they have problems, we have problems...
you circumcised the comments???
tch tch! so unlike you. You even 'answer' my mails! :D
SNAFU's and getting boned by the IRS are the American way of life!
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