The dyslexic nurse was quietly sobbing in the lounge...
'Whats wrong honey'
"Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh...I think i'm in b-b-big trouble...Read this chart".
'ROOM 212...Two pills every eight hours'.
"I g-g-gave him eight pills every two hours!"
'ROOM 214...One pill every six hours'.
"I g-g-gave him six pills every hour."
'ROOM 216....PRICK HIS BOIL?????"
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man!!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!!
That was a real groaner and horrible to picture besides.
Our 55 is up
Leave a comment on ours and we will leave one on yours. Dragon
Are you kidding me? That was GREAT! What a wonderful way to end my evening. Even better would have been to beat the dragons for once! Missed it by less than 5 minutes.
Check out my 55 for this week.
Have a great day,
Chef Kar
hahahahha Terrible! That poor man!
I'm up!
That was a good one. Here's my 55 on my new blog. jeNN http://stillorinshelp.blogspot.com/
Oh that summoned up a picture, didn't it? :)
ROFLMAO! Oh, the poor man.
My 55 is up too.
Mine's right here ...
...and THE POOR MAN!!! I sense a serious lawsuit coming!!
Yikes! I sure wouldn't want to be a patient in that hospital. Makes for a great little story, though.:)
LOL!!!Poor guy!!!
Fandango's right. That was horrible to picture!
Talk about a weenie roast
Hey all. I'm finally back! Yay!
Mine is up
Hilarious. One of your best ever.
LOL!!! you crack me up week after week. this week you made me wince too!
mine will be up in the morning.
Reading your blog was the last thing I'm doing this night. Funny in a painful sort of way. :)
You'll understand why I am done with this day when you read my 55. It's up!
I'm thinking I wish I was in room 212 or 214! Very funny...groaner indeed!
Does that mean "He had the 'hots' for her?"
Mine is up.
It's actually fun. Who would have guessed?
How do you come up with this stuff?
I'm still giggling at FireBlossom's comment!
Well, to put a damper on "things" ...
here's mine:
Gah. Forgot my link. My 55 is here.
Ouch!! Great horror writing :-)
You'll find mine here.
OMG I"m so watching out for her. OUCH OUCH OUCH. Great 55. Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend. I'm still cracking up of this one LOL
you're off the charts today g-man! excellent!!!!!
terrific and terrible as usual GMan
Mine's is UP now
Nice weekend to you all!
Dam where does time go. The end of the week is already here nice pics GMan
My 55 is down below.
Well now we know why there was all that screaming in room 216.
Mine is ready
But it’s a groaner.
What an imagination you have, Mr. Knowitall (I hope)!
My 55 is posted.
Oh no!! Do I feel sorrier for the nurse, or for the patients? Ok, probably sorriest for the fellow in 216... LOL
Mine is here.
Happy Friday, and have a good weekend!!
OMG! That is so hysterical.
Flash 55 - Home of Our Own
Ha ha ha - very good! Steer clear of medics and hospitals at all times!
Oh hell yes (if they were good drugs)...until the last line I could do without that treatment!
lol, nicely done, Galen. I finally participated again...
Hi Everybody....
An excellent batch of 55's so far!
I'll be a bit slow to responding today, I have a crazy busy day ahead of me.
But all will be visited TODAY!
Please visit as many contributors as you can...Thanks...G
Oh, that poor patient. This is a mighty fine 55, G-Man. I've posted one this week.
Finally go mine done Find my Flash 55 for this week HERE.
LOL Galen, that's clever...a touch shocking at then end though. :)
I have a 55 for you this week...and I'm looking forward to a good dose of 55's, I've missed everyone.
ouch! this 55 may give me nightmares...lol.
mine is up!
Can I say it? Oh sh!t!!!!
Love this...love it a lot. Kinda like Ms. Bobbit...oh, well, not really, but kinda. roflmao
Mine is posted...again scroll down as always---
Click HERE
Of course, at first I didn't get it. . .some people tell terrible jokes, others need time to figure them out. .you tell a funny joke, Galen.
I'm posting my 55, thanks for giving us the opportunity. Always interesting to see the comments. Mine was done quickly - unedited to keep it real and raw. Can be interpeted however. I may try a joke next week!!!
Nothing like starting Friday off with a laugh...you're so funny. Unless of course you had a nurse like that in your past. :0
Mine is up. Have a good weekend!
Have you watched "Nurse Jackie" yet? Way to wake us up for a Friday g... Mine is up! Have a non-dyslexic weekend... ;/
Ha! I like it.
I have my very first 55 up. I had to into it though. But here it is:
that was just WAY too funny!!!!
loved it!!!
thanks for the smile :-)
btw, mine is up...
i'll be checking out everyone else's during the day ...
enjoy your weekend!
Loved it, G-daddy.
I'm on two in a row now....
It's like a return to paradise.
Much love.
xo! ^_^
lol...won't be going to that hospital anytime soon.
that was awful!! did this happen to you!! mine is finally up hope you like coffee!!
You met the last head nurse I had when I was in the hospital! Good joke!
Love it in a sick sort of way:) Mine is up.
Sorry Galen. Couldn't get my usual scary 55er up. I put up an excerpt from a story I started writing--but it IS 55 words. Best I could do on the $%#@ library computer. Better next week. D
LOL make sure you're not taken into that hospital anytime G-man!
An oldie but a goodie!
Mine's up too.
I wasn't going to play this week, but changed my mind...imagine that?
Ignorance is Bliss
Oops...bad link...still learning!
Try this one
Great 55!
Mine is here along with waffle about its inspiration.
Now I am wondering, how she managed to keep his prick in the pot till it came to boiling!
Galen I have posted my 55ve too!
Eww. That doesn't bear thinking about.
Now the boil is getting bigger, but feeling no pain.
I did one.
Eek, eek and hee,hee!
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