Sunday, April 12, 2009

And The Winner Is.......

Congratulations Smarmoofus, for being the FIRST correct responder to my 55 riddle!
I've always known this little tidbit of knowledge, due in part by my love of all of the James Bond novels and movies. Rosa Klebb was a very creepy character.She was in the movie, "From Russia With Love". She defected from the Russian Spy network called SMERSH, and joined a more Global Network of spy's named SPECTRE. (Special Executive for Crime Terrorism Revenge and Extortion). She had a poison dagger that popped out of her boot!
Anyway, I knew her real name was Lotte Lenya, and every time I heard Bobby Darin's version of this song, I wondered why he would mention her name.....

Mack The Knife was a song from an early 20th Century German Play called the 3 Penny Opera. The opera was penned by the well known playwrite Bertholt Brecht, with lyrics by Kurt Weill. Lotte Lenya and Kurt Weill were husband and wife. Lotte Lenya had a version of this song out in Germany in the 30's, you can download it on You-Tube..

So Smoofie, your Chocolate and Cash are on the way, and you will be receiving a 1099 for the $3.50!

...."Jenny Diver, Sukey Tawdry,look out for Miss Smarmoofus, and ole Lucy Brown. You know the line forms, on the right babe, now that Mackies back in town...Look out ole Mackie is BACK!"

I plan on dazzling the family today at Easter Dinner, when not only am I going to have all the traditional delights like Glazed Ham (bone-in), Piorgi's, Green Bean Casserole, Home-Baked Pecan Pie, and Sweet Potato's....But just wait till I whip out the "BACON EXPLOSION"!!!!! (a detailed pictorial will soon be shown)

Have a Happy Easter Everyone!!!



  1. ...and you expect people to KNOW that?????? well, i suppose there were some who did.... oh well. and enjoy your easter dinner. sounds DIVINE!

  2. Bacon Explosion? Can't wait to see pics of that!

  3. mmm, what time did you say dinner at your house would be?

    have a happy easter, galen!

  4. Scarlet billows... shark... he sounds so happy!

  5. A Blessed Easter to you.
    The meal sounds fantastic.

  6. As many times as I've heard Mack the Knife, I never knew any of that back story. One learns something new from Mr. Knowitall every day. Happy Easter.

  7. Happy Easter to you G-Man! You speak my!

  8. Chocolate! Rawr! Thanks, Gman. That was fun... we should do more. Maybe I'll come up with one... some day.

    Pirogis are a traditional Easter dish? I wasn't aware of that. But I'll take some, please. And I'm looking forward to seeing what a Bacon Explosion looks like.


  9. Happy Easter to you and your family G-Man. I think Easter dinner at your house sounds deliciously wonderful! :)

  10. To the victor goes the spoils...well done smarmoofus...I didn't think it to arcane a bit of trivia...three minutes was how long it took to find the answer. Hope you enjoyed your belly busting, bacon exploding Easter all.

  11. Congrats to Smarmoofus.
    A bacon explosion? Can't wait to see the photos!

    Happy Easter G-man.

  12. you nut, i agree with shadow, although I am intrigued about the next riddle, you are very clever

  13. man, weaving bacon.
    why didnt i think of that?
    and thanks for the
    bobby darin riddle...
    you had me googling
    for way longer
    than i wanted to.
    never heard of Lotte
    or anyone except
    bobby and the song,
    of course...
    G-chef, looks like
    another amazing
    meal...this could have
    been entered on a
    Porcine monday...
    happy easter,
    chuzzer hoser.
