Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stay Home Baby.......

First of all let me say congratulations to The University of Michigan for beating Minnesota 29-6 in Saturday's battle for the Little Brown Jug.
In a very dismal and disappointing season, keeping a Michigan Tradition alive and successful is a small bright spot. As a Michigan Alumni and an avid fan, We have always been led to believe that the Jug was the oldest trophy in Division One Football. At the half during Saturday's game, a trivia question was asked, 'what was the oldest trophy in football'? Much to my amazement, the answer was The Territorial Cup, given away to the winner of the Arizona/Arizona State football game first in 1899!!
How can this be? Arizona wasn't even admitted to the Union till 1912!!!
You know what I say?.....BULL-SHIT!!!!
Have a Great Week...Peace...!!!


  1. Maybe your to young to remember!!!!!!!

  2. What, are they attempting to rewrite history? No fair! Anyway... I stayed home today. It's coooooold. I am not pleased about the onset of winter.:)

  3. Technical Foul! Not a State, not a record, that's what I say... Rough year, and they want to stiff us on this too? I call Bull sh*t!

  4. Galen,

    It's a conspiracy.

    YOU are Mr. KnowItAll.


    Take comfort in that.

  5. Oh come on. I saw all those other "trophies" if you want to call them that. Give me a break. The Little Brown Jug has such a history behind it. Oldest or not it is the best because it is our tradition.

    That game felt so good. It makes me feel like hoping for a win against Ohio State. I know that is asking a lot but it just felt that good.

  6. oldest trophy in football...not oldest trophy in football that are in states only lol i'm sorry that the little brown jug is not the, have a ((((hug))))

  7. yea stay home...

    yea bull shit

    Yea yea...all you said...

  8. glad your team is doing well, ours isn't which I am sure you have heard and probably seen the Vols this season. Oh well I love them anyway.

    Have a great day!

  9. well congrats. we take victory where we get it. if your wins this season were few i am glad one came when it really mattered.

  10. I'm not a big sports fanatic...but going to a college game is really of my alums is the University of OKlahoma..go Sooners! :D My niece went to Michigan...hey she's now a, thats a good thing and I also have a cousin who lives in MI so I guess I should watch one of their games! ;) go Jugs...

  11. Queenie...Thank you Dear for that compliment.

    Sherry...Bundle up baby!!

    Buff...Yep, Bullshit!

    Ahhh..Strumpet, You are correct!!

    Barman..Anything can happen!

    Ciara...You so cute!!

    Susie...hahahaha I get it!

    Lime?...Chocolaty Lime?

    Hi Lulda...You have a Michigan connection eh?
