Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thursday Portrait.....

My Baby brother Matt was in the US Navy for 20 years. He now lives in Norfolk Virginia.
He was always on a Carrier, this hat was from one of his ships.
Hmmmmm..Now you all know what Friday is, right kiddies?
Carry On........


  1. Admiral Galen? Aye, aye, sir! Norfolk's a cool city. I like it.:)

  2. oh mr knowitall, i could give you some very interesting trivia about adm nimitz for whom that ship was named....stuff i bet even you didn't know.

    cool picture. happy portrait thursday!

  3. oops my mistake, i was just fact checking and it was carl spaatz, not chester nimitz...nevamind

  4. as always great pic! My husband and I drove over to the Mercedes dealership in Knoxville to check out the Smart Car because I am very interested in one. They do start at around $12k and go up depending on the options you choose. I would have to keep my mini-van if I bought the Smart Car because my kids would have nowhere to ride.

    Have a great day!

  5. Yikes! Friday already?

    Carry On Friday, casting....

    what! a sailor!

    No wonder he..I mean you look so handsome!

  6. knight ON a shining armor... I mean sailor cap...

    whatever... :D

  7. friend's hubby was on the nimitz at one time. 'm a navy was on the kitty hawk (it's since been de-commissioned or whatever they call it because i can't remember the word right now lol)

    as for me, not a fan of caps unless i'm at a ballgame representing or coaching the little league kids. but you look adorable :)

  8. Good picture and I love the cap. My good friend I met in college had a cap just like it.

    Tick, tick, tick Friday is just around the corner.

  9. G MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your Profile DOES NOT list THIS blog & Does not provide its link!

    Please do the needful!

    Galen, I put walnuts in my plum cake!I soak them in rum for thirty days first!

  10. My SIL just retired from the Navy. She had been out in those boats patroling the waters to protect us. and I think she was out there a couple years back when we had the olympics to keep watch. I do know she was a repair person for the boats. I think she was on the SSHumphery. But dont quote me on that Ive been wrong before lol

  11. My mom grew up in norfolk--she was a navy brat too (just like me ;)) My dad was on a destroyer and a frigit? (Or however you spell it.)

    You look as huggable as ever, Galen!!


    p.s. I'm all flashy and stuff. :)

  12. My daddy was an Air Force officer. But the Navy is the second-best branch of service. Nice hat, Galen!


  13. Number One with a BULLET there Miss Begotten..xo

    hahaha...Limey, Carl Spaatz I think was the first Chief of Staff of the Air Force when it was formed in 1947.

    Missy...It sounds like the G-Man needs to send your son a new hat!!

    Heather...Those things look so strange.

    Mona....You are so sweet!!

    Ciara...Your new comment section kills me!!

    Thats why you need to start thinking about a 55 Bryan!

    Thanks Jenn..:-)

    Buff..They are complete except for food and jet fuel!

    Hey Gabby Gale...:P

    Thanks Ake.....G

    Missy...First as always!!

    SnowElf!!!! The Black Delia!!

  14. Hi, Galen: My son was in the Navy for 6 years. Got his college degree there. He was in Norfolk for a time. Took remote duty in Diego Garcia and then in Iceland. I think maybe the base in Iceland is closed now. Hubby was (is-ha) a Marine and was on the Saratoga for a time. See ya tomorrow. D

  15. Hi Smoofy..
    Hi Donnetta..
    See you BOTH tomorrow, thanks for visiting and commenting!

  16. Ok, this particular blog has another profile..I see

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Love the hat!
    Love the Navy!

    And oh,
    dem' eyes!

    Make it a wonderful day!
