Of the men that attended the Constitutional Congress of 1787...
Nineteen of the 74 people chosen to attend were No-Shows!
Of the 55 that DID show, only 39 signed the document.
But their bar tab was.....
132 bottles of wine
8 bottles of whiskey
8 jugs of cider....
America was born.....At Happy Hour!!!!
Hi everybody, if you or anyone you know has done a Flash Friday 55, come tell the G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then BOOK!!
ALSO...I know that July 4th celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence, NOT the Constitution, but this really happened. Big deal, it's still stuff about America...
.Also If I haven't already blabbed it enough, Saturday is Lisa's aka. Java Jazz's birthday..
Please go get a piece of birthday rugeluh at her place, she's an Excellent baker...
Everyone else...Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!
So that is how America was born?
Thanks for telling us so precisely & concisely! :)
HAPPY 4th July To You & All Galen!
Happeee 4th of July! Yippeee, I had a beer for you al, a beer called "Blonde" Beer...was very yummy :)
hi g! i LOVE it! and ha ha @ america being born during happy hour. i have a friend from Cre8buzz.com named birdie who i asked to join us. she loved the idea of the 55 and started them on her cre8buzz blog. i told her she should post it on her blogger blog to join us, and she has! you can find her link on my blog under 'the summer of me' post. i know, i know...i'm still working on the 55 lol
Pleased to meet ya! I'm here as Ciara instructed. When Ciara speaks, I listen - ha! Loved your flash fiction - sounds like they had quite the time! Here's the link to my site of need be...
happy trails!
And Happy Birthday to me! lol Have a happy and safe 4th galen
I loved your celebration of history, Galen. Eh? Get it? Celebration?
I'm trying something a bit different this week. It's happy, it's fun... it's a game! Go see if you can solve it.
Happy Independence Day, Galen!
it'll post at midnight, mr. g! i see birdie made it here...don't forget to check her out. now i'm off to check out smarmy's :)
Hey G-man
Thanks for the email and I did do a 55 this week! I just cooked it up in about two minutes before I crash for bed. I get to sleep in tomorrow oh yeah!!
Happy 4th!!
Nice one G. Mine is up
Ok Galen Ji. My 55 is up too! :)
I guess lawmaking is thirsty work. Not so much has changed since 1787.:)
Okay, Galen: My 55 is up! PLEASE come by as I have done something a bit different. I made it a 55 writers challenge. So lets see what happens with it! I hope SOMEBODY will bother to take the challenge!
LOL We both did a history 55 g-man!
Loved yours. I didn't know about that piece of history so thankyou for that. :)
I wonder how many other things are born due to happy hour?
Pitty-Pat and SS met at an office Happy hour. :D
Happy Fourth Galen!
Happy Independence Day!
Hope your weekend is great!
btw...nice pic of you in front of your flower garden yesterday.
Can you even imagine the smell in that room? Ewww....
Happy Independence Day, G-DADDY!
Thank you for the kind words! See you on Friday :P
happy 4th of july g-man!
and thank you for the birthday blab,
tho i believe it was mona who
is queen of the birth day
no rugelach,
cheesecake w. strawberries.
(yes, you'll actually have to
go visit there to see that!)
That was the best compliment (at my comment box) that I ever received from you!
Thank you very much!
Back then, you would have had to have been loaded to go against the entire British Empire's armed forces... I'm sure glad they did!
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