Hi everybody...I hope you all had a great a 3-Day weekend as I did!!!
First of all, Car sales for the month of May SUCKED. I only sold 8 cars, and I barely broke even.
June was headed for the dumper as well, then GM put 0% for 72 months on several models, and I ended up with 15 cars delivered for the month...
So after working every waking minute the last week in June...
And the weather being perfect for 3 straight days...
And having friends and Family over for a couple of cook-outs...
And 3 days of FABULOUS bike riding..
And Once again G-Man emerging as the Pyrotechnics Champion of his street!!!
I feel sooooooo content...
...And speaking of Pyrotechnics.
This year more than ever, there seemed to be more ass-holes blasting, and blasting, and blasting. Till well late into the Morning!!!
I bet starting about 8 pm on Thursday night, the barrage was non-stop till Saturday night!!
It fricken sounded like Bagdad!!
I know how much this shit costs...Did these people take out a loan?
Anyway...The first pic is my new fire-starter chimney. I loaded the bottom with wadded up newspaper, and it caught the charcoal on fire just perfect!!
With NO petroleum aftertaste!
The second pic is my friend Alex's massive back yard.
He spreads corn out in front of his little shed that you see, and I've counted as many as 25 Wild Turkeys feeding at one time.
You probably can't see them on this primitive phone, but all the way to the back and left of his yard, there are 4 turkeys and a single deer. I can't tell on my lousy PC...
Can you see them?
so happy that june was a good month for moving metal and that you got to enjoy some beautiful weather and BBQs at the end of it all.
i think i see a deer.
wait, that might just be outside my window...?
You go G-man--i'm sorry you had to work your hiney off, but at least you're reaping the rewards :)
If I lived in Michigan, I would buy a car from you whether I needed one or not.
PS: Did you get those blackened hot dogs I sent you?
Glad June was better than May and I hope that July beats them both!
Nice pics and your friend has a lovely yard but I can't see the turkey's or deer.
Have a great week!
at first i thought
thats what your
morning cuppa coffee
looked like...
interesting contraption.
ps who mows al's lawn?
I can't see the deer or turkeys. Congrats on an excellent month of sales. You should have plenty of $$ to do something fun, dude. I'm with you -- 4 nights of pyrotechnics was TOO MUCH. Morons. I hope they all went bankrupt so they'll be quiet next year.:)
Oh, rub it in that I wasn't invited to your little soirees! I got the cold shoulder. Hrumph!
Limey's back!!!
Hi Snow...
Thanks :-)
Morgie Thanks...
I think blackened dogs would have a shelf life of about 4 years.
Hi Heather...
You are always so nice...G
Birthday Girl!!!
Howdy Lisa, Alex mows his own lawn. It usually takes him 2 days.
Hi Sherry...
Yeah, money to spend on gas!!!!
You can come to Flint anytime...
I'll feed you...:-))
How dare you stop workin...that's my frickin job x
I Thiiiiinnnnnkkk I see a tiger out there...
Do you think my spectacles need a change?
Wonderful lawn, & great chimney & Charcoal.
I'm glad you are content :)
For what it's worth, I bought one of those fire starters too. I haven't used it yet- but I might someday...
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