Thursday, March 27, 2014

Friday Flash 55.....

Remember when Dick Sargent replaced Dick York as Darren on Bewitched?
How about when Johnny Weismuller was replaced by Lex Barker as Tarzan?
The point is, My replacements will do a Kick-Ass job.
Give-em a break!
Ob La Di Ob La Da Life Goes on...Bra
La La How The Life Goes On......

And just as the Pope abdicated the Papacy. G-Man abdicates Friday Flash 55!
The Flash Fictioners will now be guided by Pope Fireblossom I, and Pope Mama Zen I.
They will be sharing the hosting chores starting TUESDAY April 8th.
If you or anyone you know has abdicated, or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man (For the Last Time)
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Thankful Host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Please visit Shay (aka Fireblossom) as she hosts Flash Fiction 55 on TUESDAY April 8th.


  1. G-Man: No one does it like you do!!!

    Here is my last 55 for you, Galen:  Gray Day.

  2. Oh cool that Shay and Mama Z will be taking over!!

    Love you!

    My Final 55 Offering.


  3. I do not know anyone who has abdicated, Galen, but I have written a 55! Good evening, G-Man! Here is my latest offering: Bye.

  4. I will miss you ~ Am joining in to say No one does it like you ~ Cheers ~

    everyday amazing: Pretty in pink

  5. I know Shay and Mama Zen will do a wonderful job. But I'll miss you.

    For you: Farewell for G-Man

  6. Galen, if you ever ride that bike around the big lake, you know where you can find me. I'm serious......and we have the Harley Museum here too. Consider it.

  7. I do adore the new appointed Pope-ettes, but No One will ever be a more gracious host than you. I am wondering - is there more - are you retiring as well? It just sounds like there is more…

    I'll be back later this evening.

  8. Galen, you may look like Dick York or Johnny Weismuller, but it's not very nice to hint that Shay and Mamma Zen do! But I'm sure they forgive you.

    This is my 135th 55 for you, G--I call it:

    Ode to You Know Who and it ain't Billy Joe

    I hope you will still occasionally lend your Unique Presence to the 55 fun. Happy Trails, brother.

  9. I'm a co-Popette! Kewl!

    Yours are big shoes to fill, but if each of us takes one, maybe we can make a start!

  10. i will be back to give you an appropriate send off with my last 55 in the morning....

  11. I will miss you .. wow did you ever score a coup!

    Here is my 55 ...


  12. I've posted my tribute and thanks here. Thanks for so many years of consistently terrific 55s and helping build community of fun and creativity.

    best wishes to fireblossom and shay and mama zen in the next chapters!

  13. Nobody does it better...though you found awesome people to host, G.

    My 55:

    The Finality of 55

  14. extinction

    i grew up eating elephant


    out a dirty-windowed cart at the small mall

    attached to Kmart

    it's now a community college, full of students

    who read books

    & have no idea what a treat sundays

    were as a kid

    they circle the parking lot, packed tighter

    than then

    no sugar on their lips.

  15. sorry for the rather sombre 55 g. thank you for the years of fun...and for talking me out of quitting this online world 3 years ago...and for being have taught me much.

    best wishes in whatever you do and will see you around...

  16. But you're going to make me cry. I'll miss you here every week.

    Mine is HERE.

  17. No one can replace you, of course. Enjoy your 55-retirement!

    Here's mine: Insect

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Brian...
    You have always shown your appreciation of my Fatherly ways.
    Me and about a thousand other people are glad that you stayed in Blogging. You are a legend.
    A legend that has always been very supportive of The Friday Funfest. Thanks a million...Pops
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End.

  20. on finding skittles in the cushions

    snow melts, grass grows

    & i think of you

    as i walk down the hill to the shed

    where the lawn mower waits

    to roar to life, cutting

    heads off dandelions, spraying dismembered

    clippings across the side walk

    the gas can is empty though

    so i go back inside

    to a couch

    with no arms.

  21. #3 private parts

    spring is new life & naked people

    in search of full body tans before the bikini

    days of summer

    on my twentieth birthday i ran a bare block

    & reaching

    the stop sign, was chased

    by an ambulance - full lights & flapping awe

    till i jumped in a bush

    which i imagine

    felt like a sunburn

  22. Somebody Slap that boy, he's spittin out 55's like watermelon seeds!!!!

  23. FYI, Galen. Talin wrote this in my blog comments

    "He'd better stick around on some level or we'll all have to go and, you know, kick his ass!

    ha ha. I agree whole heartedly.

  24. Hey, hey, my, my,
    rock and roll will never die
    It's better to burn out
    cuz rust never sleeps...

    Thanks for the mammaries, er, memories, G-man. Took you leaving to get me out of my cave - hope you'll tip an extra cold one back as you enjoy all that spare time.

    Mine's up ~

  25. Oops. Guess I got all emotional.

    Let's try here

  26. Ok, that first link was just weird. Sorry about that.

  27. guess I couldn't leave well enough alone, and ended up penning another 55.

    so, here are some more scribbled lines ~ for ya, G-Man ~

  28. Many thanks for all you have done to encourage poets and bloggers. Yours was not a small gift, and one generously given.

    This one's for you.

  29. Wow, Brian must have eaten his Wheaties! I'm not that eloquent G-man but it sure has been a grin.

    It's Been A Grin

  30. Yeah I remember Lex barker didn't have quite the same call as Johnny Weismuller.

    I wrote one a palm leaf of sorts

    Relays are long paced races and your time carrying the baton has been fun. I am sure Fireblossom and Mama Zen won't drop it until their turn is done. Be Well ol' man of Hog.

  31. Methinks this is too much change. But what can I do, other than to say, once again, thankyouthankyou for this 55 venue that spoke to my heart. All best wishes to you, G. ♥

    Last Call

  32. Brian ~ Your send-off for Galen is great. I love all three of your 55s!

  33. My job application, in 55 words, is up!

    I feel a little like whoever took over from Bo Schembeckler. Yeah, who WAS that? I'll be lucky to duck the rotten veggies!

  34. My dearest Galen,
    YOU are STILL ROCKING it like ever before, sweetie!
    I am back just for this.
    Mine is here
    Have you a great weekend.
    I love you my friend.

  35. Hey Galen! They are great and even possibly Kick-you-know-what (doesn't rhyme with butt) but you ARE the host with the most.

    I will be getting mine up later today. It is just a plain old 55.

    Love you. Hope all is well deep down. It's a hard thing to take a break but this hosting stuff is a lot of work and seven years can bring on a powerful itch.

    Will be back later today. k.

  36. Gotta say there are no replacements.
    All those attempts ought to have focused on appreciation and THEN introduction. Drumroll!
    We can never express enough gratitude- It is a joy to join in on Fridays! Humor and FLASH have brightened my page! Thank you.

  37. Galen,
    I will miss you but you have picked too great successors and I'm sure they will make you proud.

    Thank you for encouraging me to write succinctly, a hard thing for a writer to do.

    Of course, I have something for you.
    Swan Song

    Adios Amigo.

  38. Do I get a pope hat? Do I? Do I?

    I'm up, G-Man. Wouldn't miss this one for the world.

  39. Oh no, good-byee. good-byee

    No time to do a fresh 55 so here is my first for your host.

  40. Galen,
    how exciting for you!!!
    moving on is so freeing.
    You have given so much of your time so others could enjoy blogging - Thanks.
    There must be at least 50 ways to leave a blog!
    Wishing you all the best

  41. HA.. yes I have just recently started to enjoy this opportunity.. and yes it has been a great play.. so now I will continue to write my 55 words - yay.. but no kick-ass weekends... hmm

    Pay a simple spray

  42. Hey Galen -- I hope I've made the cut! Time wise.

    I never could learn to do that right. I'm going to post like this. then try again. K.

  43. Here it is again. (I was running out of battery.)

    So great to know you will still be blogging! And best wishes for all else.


  44. I had to be fashionably one last time Galen. I miss you already. xo

    Here's my final 55 for you:
    The Art and Science of Desire

  45. I also had a hard time when they switched out the Carlys on General Hospital. And Jason on the show too. Or was it Jake?

    Anyway, the 55 torch is being handed to two wonderful ladies I look forward to popping in on from time to time.

    Okay, c ya l-r. Just wishing you another Happy 55 Retirement. You kept at it going so faithfully, and that is one cool accomplishment. 7 years has a lucky ring to it too. Good on ya, Mate! xo

  46. Gaaahhh! Noooooo!
    I'm sick for a few weeks, and I log back in to find this?


    I'm so sorry I missed this!

    (*hangs head in shame*)

