Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friday Flash 55.....

He remembered, the old nuns at Catechism always claimed that if one said the
Act of Contrition just before dying, you would AUTOMATICALLY go to Heaven.
No matter what!!
Keeping that in mind, Adolph first poisoned his dog Blondie, then his wife Eva, then he
started to pray. "Oh my God I am heartily sorry"..........

Hitler in Heaven! Sounds like a Mel Brooks Broadway play. hehehehehe
If you or anyone you know is contrite or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!
So from the most forgiving host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. Nothing to be contrite about today anyway. Thank goodness!!

    Here is my entry for this weekend: Sochi

  2. Mel Brooks. :)

    I wrote one but I forgot how to direct code. Been a long week. :) I'll get my code on right next week!


  3. Wait, I think this is it here. Hopefully I was making a grilled-cheese just now and got distracted from getting my 55 ready.

  4. Well, that's a bit scary to think about.

    Mine is HERE.

  5. That pic makes me think of the Led Zeppelin song--ya think Hitler really did climb the Stairway to Heaven? Somehow I'm thinking he took the elevator to the basement instead.

    I'm playing, if only to make you think about praying to be spared yourself, G:


  6. To be spared, yourself, that is-- not to be spared yourself, because, that would be confusing--and difficult. ;_)

  7. There is NO Springtime for Hitler… hopefully only one long, cold, endless Winter.

    HEY - maybe he wasn't sent "down yonder" but to Northern Michigan! ;P

    I will be linking tomorrow.

  8. Godwin's law, right from the outset. Niiiiice, Galen.

    Here's my little contribution this week.

    when pouncing

  9. What? He didn't want to go the same place they did?

    Mine is up

  10. while i enjoy mel brooks...
    it would not surprise me if he didnt say the prayer with his belief in mysticism...but i doubt even that helped him...

    7...i agree...yesterday was at least 8.5...but today, i will live with 7....


  11. Definitely a Mel Brooks thing.

    And Margaret's right-- send anybody up here to Michigan and within minutes they'll be desperately sorry for whatever they did to deserve this. ;)

    I got stuck in my driveway this morning.

    Below zero again tonight... the last time it was this cold, my pipes froze for three days.


    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  12. I do not know about being contrite but I have written a 55. Here it is: Blessing.

  13. Ha ha, he may have tried but the elevator would have got stuck.
    You'll find mine here.

  14. Yes always noticed that get of jail free card for Catholics! Well someone should be contrite in my 55

  15. Yeah. It's this whole last minute get your ticket punched thing that allows you to do whatever the hell you wish and makes the whole thing such a joke. But you're right, it would make a great Mel Brooks flick.

    Sparks Fly From Her Fingertips

  16. Well, yikes, and no way did H go to heaven! Thought-provoking 55, G.

    Hope you had a good week and enjoy a (snowy?) weekend.

    One with Everything

  17. I wrote one

    Odd Hitler gets a pass and the nuns always told me I was headed straight to hell. Oh well at least I didn't take 66,000,000 people with me.

  18. Definitely Mel Brooksian!! My 55:

  19. Look baby, dem crazy cats got it all wronggggg, ya dig? ;-)

    Mine is up.

  20. Contrite ? Whew we have barely
    begun! Yeah- he isn't someone I care to run into heaven! Good one G!

  21. great Flash 55... I have to get back to doing these again.

  22. I'm pretty sure Blondie was the only one to make it to heaven!

  23. Thought id stop by for a long overdue visit...good idea for a farce...


  24. This is mine. Its part of a series, but I think it stands on its own okay. I hope you enjoy it.

  25. G-Man, Not on Hitler though but here is mine.


  26. Wow, barely sliding under the wire this weekend! Busy with kids … They are now settled and I've had my glass of wine :)

    I've been looking at my photos of the Outer Banks and I want to go back. Sigh. So, I thought I'd visit them again with 55 words.

    Weekend Get-a-Way

    I wrote this quickly so I might go back and tweak it in the morning. I will also swing around tomorrow morning and visit and comment. It's been a long week. (( goodnight ))

  27. Hitler in Heaven..doesn't have the right ring to it. Here is my contribution. Political Cholera

  28. I always look at the obnoxious and irritating religious people on TV and I think..."Do I have to reside with them in heaven?"
