Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow Day Monday.....

Hi Everybody.....
I hope you are all safe!
We got 16 1/2 inches and it's snowing now.
It's gonna get up to 5 today...Woo Hoo!!!
Thank God I still have a strapping 24 year old living at home.
Still, I've had my 75 foot driveway plowed TWICE for 20 Bucks a pop.
Hardly anything is open, I made a pot of  Homemade Chicken Noodle soup.
na zdrowie.....(Nostrovia...Polish toast...'Your Health")


  1. As my friend's pappy used to say, "The snow is asshole deep to a tall Indian!"

  2. yep we are out of school tomorrow snow but wind chills in the -30' face about fell off directing traffic out of school this afternoon....

  3. Galen, this cold outbreak makes the news in France and even my students talked about it today.

  4. We got all that snow here too. :(

    My car looks exactly like yours in the picture.

    Usually my dad comes over to plow my driveway, but he's snowed in too.

    I can't make it out of the driveway, I'm stuck for at least another day or two.

    And, as if that wasn't bad enough, my pipes have frozen and I have no water.

    Temperature here right now:
    15 below zero. Expected to reach 20 below.

    Wind chill:
    38 below... and expected to reach 45 below.

    I am alone and cold and a little freaked out.

  5. Snow here NE OK, 5" on top of ice :( not good, 12 right now windchill is 0
    was -10 this am. Everything here is closed again tomorrow because of the weather, not snow.

    Keep Safe my fried

  6. We are completely snowed under. I think we got about 18 inches. The winds out here in the country are terrible. Roads drifted completely shut. We don't have a road anymore. And the cold...minus 3 as I type, and dropping. I think I'll have another snow day tomorrow. Precious time for writing! Keep warm.

  7. bitter cold here too. pass me that bottle so i can warm up!

  8. 16 inches sounds about right. We live on a dead end street, so we are the very last street in the entire City of Lansing to get plowed. And tomorrow's HIGH is supposed to be 0F. Worked from home today, but tomorrow, I'm gonna make a run for it. . .

  9. Here in WI it is the same. Schools closed for the second day tomorrow. Stay warm, my friend.

  10. We had our driveway and sidewalk and porch plowed for fifteen, we gave them twenty as it was worth it.

    We're snowed in now and need to figure out a way to get the front door open so we can clear a way to the shed.

    We have four feet snow drifts here and it's freezing cold.

    Hope you are warm and safe :)

  11. You got quite a bit more than we did here, and we got plenty! Stay warm, G Man!

  12. You definitely need to have lots of anti-freeze on hand in these temps! :)

  13. I'll toast to that … Stay inside, only open the door when he is done. :)
