Thursday, December 26, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

Elmore Leonard, Mr. Tom Clancy.
Bonnie Franklin, tickled our fancy.
Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela,
James Gandolfini was a 'GoodFella'.
Edith Bunker, Joan Fontaine, Patty Page, Conrad Bain.
Esther Williams swam like a fish,
Annette Funicello was every boy's wish.
Van Cliburn, Peter O'Toole,
Jonathon Winters was a brilliant fool.
Scott Carpenter, Dr. Joyce Brothers,
Dave King, and too many others.....
I couldn't list them all in 55 words, just be glad you're NOT on the list!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass New Year!!!!!!!


  1. I miss Dave King's writing ~ Just wanted to let you know I appreciate all your visits to my blogs G ~ I haven't been a regular but when I'm free, I think of 55 words ~ Enjoy the holiday ~

    everyday amazing: Silver

  2. Impressive and talented as they all were, I'm really glad I didn't make that list. Glad you didn't either.

    Mine's up. 55 Reasons to Believe

  3. Very sad to see the list of people who died really, including Dave King. I grew up watching Annette it saddens me to see her name especially.

    Here is my 55: Time

  4. Yeah, Dave King hurt.

    Lots of greats took their leave. Wonder which were BORN!

    ALOHA to YOU, G
    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  5. So sad...the calibre and quality of these people...they are irreplaceable.

    My 55: Calamitous

  6. Embarrassing confession: I didn't recognize the first guy's picture, and thought he looked like a cross between Abraham Lincoln and that guy from Mad Magazine.

    I like the post-- it reminds me of two songs: Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire", and R.E.M.'s "Its The End Of The World As We Know It". Both have their lyrics in nostalgic scattershot-list form.

    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  7. … they do live on as long as we remember them. I've mentioned a few names I thought everyone knew and the younger generation said "who?" Sigh.

    I still have a house full of kids and we are just turning a movie on (at 11:00 pm!!) They are wearing me out, but I'm enjoying it.

    I'll try and come up with 55 words tomorrow. Merry Christmas!

  8. Known personalities in their own right. But nothing had impacted more than late Dave King did! Great 55 G-Man!


  9. appreciate the nod to dave. he was a good guy...among many others we lost this year...

  10. Hope y'all had a good holiday. Here's to those who've left us, and to those who, like you, Mr. G, who inspire us, still

    beauty - the photo is from today, in Laguna Beach, where it was about 75. ~

  11. A wonderful tribute, G. Truly big losses. From the comments here I realize I must read Dave King, most definitely. I appreciated your mentioning Van Cliburn, to whom the arts owe much. Cliburn Radio online here

    Pet Thoughts at New Years

  12. It is slow torture watching the oldest of us and them younger too pass on.

    OK Christmas is past, I got off my ass and wrote You One I forget what title I out to it

  13. out = put or you can leave out = out whatever you wish.

  14. Made comments earlier and now just made it with my 55, G-Man. Take a peek! Thanks!


  15. Wonderful. Glad not to be there! But also glad to see. I am not up yet. K.

  16. Margaret Thatcher and Nelson Mandela will certainly be remembered for decades, albeit for very different reasons.
    Mine is up now: Flying

  17. After the Xmas craziness, I'm just dead. Wait...

  18. Many have passed, to be missed, to be remembered but some still remain--to be appreciated while we can.

    I'm late to the party, G, but I am playin, with a rather icy contribution:

    Hands of Winter

  19. You all wrote beautiful things this week!

    Here is my post for this week - Holiday Recovery

  20. What a very good and fitting one for the end of the year. Thanks for giving us antoher year of Fridays to look forward to Galen!
    Here's mine:


  21. Enjoy your holidays.

    They are always with us.

    My contribution is The Tiny X.

  22. The scary thing is that so many of the 2013 obit lists are folk from my childhood! mine's here.

  23. HI Galen - here's another grim one--sorry--

    Thanks for all your sweetness. k.

  24. Merry Christmas … I'm sure your leftovers are amazing - I had SO much turkey left over as I ordererd two breasts - had NO idea they would rival Dolly Partons! (as you know, I have a restaurant catering service make holiday meals - we pick up at a selected time - it allows me to visit and "play" with the kids) I had been making a lot of turkey "left-over" meals though.

    Turkey Pot Pie

    Galen - I TRULY enjoy visiting and participating here every Thursday. I still had last Friday to visit as well as this week - my house will quiet down a bit tomorrow as a few kids are scattering elsewhere. Thank you for hosting and being so generous with your comments. I look forward to a new year of 55's.

  25. I love your tribute! and I'm glad you are not on the list yet either.. our time will come.. meanwhile it is good to be here. Wishing you a very Happy New Year Galen:-)

    you can find my 55 here

  26. A lovely tribute to those who have left us.
    Here is my slithery offering.

  27. great roundup rememebering some great people. wishing you the best.
