Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thursday Portrait.....

Greetings Everybody !!!!
As you are reading this I'm on my way to the great Commonwealth of Virginia
for a long Kick Ass Week-End. Yesterday I found this Fortune Cookie in my desk
so I thought I might see what my future has in store.
Hmmmmm....... It seems it would behoove me to be Dashingly Dressed at ALL times!
I hope to see everybody right here, on Thursday 8:00 PM EDST.


  1. I think I'd send that cookie back and demand a better one.;-)

  2. What kind of cockamamie fortune is that?!?

    I like the second one better. ;-)

  3. Wear Wolverine garb at all times .. even when you sleep!

  4. hey where you going in my state?

    hopefully you dont pass on the way...maybe if you drive 55 you will be safe? smiles.

  5. Clarification: best-dressed men wear the colors of the Wolverines!

  6. I can not believe that you would ever be alone EVER! there is all of us and even though we arent right there with you in your office at work or your home with are with you in spirit! so you will never be alone. And of course your lucky number is 55!

  7. I guess exciting pictures from the long weekend awaits us

  8. I don't know which is worse, the loneliness or the sartorial disarray...but at least they got your lucky number right, G.

    I hope my sick computer will let me post something hangs and freezes at the worst moments, plus I can't get to my Word files--but I will do my best.

  9. Virginia! I love that state. I realize I don't really live that far from Brian... will have to surprise him and show up at one of his poetry slams someday.

    Where in VA? Have a safe trip - I'm headed to the mountains of NC for a day this weekend. Lets hope the color is vibrant!

  10. LOL.

    I already know I'm going to die alone and poorly dressed.

    I'm single and poor; what other way is there to die?

    Unless you count the two cats who will certainly view me as one big giant Tender Vittle when the time comes.

    At least they don't have opposable thumbs, so no forks will be involved.

    Ooops. Gotta go. They're already drooling.

  11. what a ghastly fortune!

    have a great visit to VA :)

  12. Ignore the fortune and have a fabulous weekend! I guess it can't hurt to wear a tie. ;-)
