Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

He: Greek?  Tonight only?

She:  Yeah.....Greek!

He:  Darling, (Sigh) after months of waiting, I'm finally going to realize the object
of my obsession..(chuckles lasciviously)

She:  Enjoy... these moments don't come around very often Buster!

He:  I know, just let me languish for awhile in this one...Tonight, it's all about Uranus!

She: ......Tonight ONLY!!!!

The Greeks are known for two things, and this ain't about yogurt.....
OK....On October 3rd the planet Uranus is visible to the naked eye.
Something about the position of the planet, AND the position of the Sun.
And of all of the planets in our solar system, Uranus is the only planet named after a Greek!
If you or anyone you know is Greek, or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Star Gazingest host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!


  1. uranus is visible to the naked eye...

    uh yeah...

    only once...ha...err...

    yeah, i got a 55...

    mine is up...

    yeah the hits keep coming...

  2. EVERYTHING is about yogurt, silly G Man!

    Joy (Hedgewitch) asked me to please link her 55 for her Here it is:

  3. But, but I love Greek yogurt ~ Smiles ~ I'm playing along ~

    everyday amazing: Beautiful darkness

  4. STAR GAZING!!!! Of course. And it is NOT pronounced the way we all think it is... I think it's more like Urenus (with a short e... sorry don't mean to spoil the fun)

    Chobani ... love my yogurt!

    I Wonder

  5. government default and the Golden Dawn neo-nazi movement?

    i dunno.

    here's mine: in between

  6. oops. trying again, with link in case I blow the code

    in between

  7. I honestly cannot come up with any sexually witty comment to your 55, G. I must be getting old old old.

    I am playing. And showing my age as well.

  8. Hahaha... But I love yogurt too. Of course mine is goat, but still...

    Mine is HERE.

  9. Gah! I've got dense clouds and bitter cold. No Uranus for me, I guess. *shuffles off for a bowl of yogurt*

    Mine is up

  10. Do I really want to see Uranus? Hmmmm....I'll have to think about it.
    Loved your 55, Galen. Who knew Uranus could be so interesting?

    My 55: Forming

  11. Why do I suspect they're nowhere near a telescope?

    Here's mine: Pioneer

  12. Oh dear! Ha. Galen--you have undone yourself! I mean, um, I need to get to the bottom of this....

    Um... all I know is that there are a lot of you know what's in the House of Represenatives right now--it's a word that is close to Uranus.


    Hope all is well. I am up.

    I am trying link.

    If that desn't work, how about--

  13. Well, darn it, I guess I missed seeing the planet Uranus, as it is now October 4. I'm not Greek either. Sigh.

    However, I did write a 55 for the G-Man! Here it is:

  14. Thank you G-Man for all the explanations about Uranus and the planet.
    Here is my 55 contribution for this week's Friday Flash 55: Fall.

  15. Trust me on this, G. I just posted my 55, got a blueberry Greek yogurt out of the fridge, came here to your blog, read your post (one of your riper 55s I must add), and laughed from the twisty irony of it all. :)

    Remembering Crane

  16. I haven't done one of these for a while, so, uh, like, here you go and stuff!

  17. LOL...You are so informed about Uranus and its position.

  18. I think the consensus is, all females in this thread prefer yogurt to other things Greek. Thanks to Fireblossom for linking for me--I am out of the loop for awhile, but will be around to visit over the weekend.

  19. hahahahahahahahahahah

    that made my day...

  20. Being an astronomy student, I should know such things. I'll pay more attention to Uranus in the future! (And it's just *so* appropriate that she says, "Tonight ONLY!" ;) )

    Here be mine: The Love of the Beautiful.

  21. Just remember there are rings around Saturn, not Uranus! I'm sooo glad to be back in spite of that! Mine is

    A Keeper

  22. Heard on NPR: "This is the best month for studying Uranus!"

  23. enjoyed this, g-man, and love yogurt..
    here is mine

  24. Sorry, I put my link on the wrong post. It's here:
    p.s. Yogurt gets my vote.

  25. Y'know, I'm not sure that the folks who are too 'refined' to call it 'Yer-ANUS' make that much of an improvement by insisting on 'Urine-us'

    And, if I were just a notch or two, uh, cruder than I am, I might crack wise about 'starfish-gazing'. . . but I won't. . .

    And I thought the 'Greek' thing had to do with young boys; you mean they do that to their women, too?

  26. Its been ages since I saw stars...

    G Man Chandra hope you'd see her her skeleton candies on FB. Please do not disappoint her...

