Thursday, September 19, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....


I'll say this for Shay, she certainly loves her poetry. Oh, she appreciates all poetic forms
and styles. But she prefers Free-Form from the heart, and Lover's Lament. Ironically she
HATES haiku with a passion!!
And tonight, she has unfinished business regarding that passion to correct.....

If you or anyone you know hates haiku or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment ......Then BOOK!!!

In spite of the risk
Please, have a Kick Ass Week-End
And watch out for Shay!!

DISCLAIMER: Any depictions of persons dead or alive in the preceeding story, is
strictly intended!!


  1. I think haiku has its place, but it is a kind of poetry I seldom write. Happy weekend, G-Man!

    Here is my 55:

  2. We all have our favs~

    I'm sharing my moon poem (2nd one) ~

    Happy Friday all ~

    Scarlet Verses: September moon

  3. I'm so believing the gun..(since obviously the raven claw pot pie saturated in arsenic didn't do the trick.)

    I am ducking, covering, and playin-- with a little of that Lover's Lament stuff you mentioned:

    Remember To Forget

  4. Haiku? I can barely trim it down to 55. I'm with Shay.

    I stuck to the word limit tonight. To A Muse

  5. I don't mind them, but I don't do them. Haiku is for people who care about their poetic form.

    Mine is up

  6. Do you hate haiku?
    I'll sleep with one eye open
    She smirked, while ducking


    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  7. Thank heavens there aren't 55 words in a haiku or I'd have to duck out, Galen! :)

    My 55: Sojourn

  8. "Lovely thigh," he said,
    her gun caressing said flesh,
    as the snow fell.

    Flash 55 - Round Red Robin 0001

  9. Well, she's sexy but really knows how to hate. Stay away from her.
    Thanks for hosting this every Friday and being so kind with your comments.

    Glad to back again for Friday fun.

  10. Oh, I needed this laugh. I'm sick and my computer has been acting up! After two days, cable guys, and Apple customer service I think it is solved.

    Alas, no new 55. I DID have two last week - Galen, you only commented on one. So maybe you didn't see it. I will repost it here, but everyone else need not swing by. I still have visits from last week to finish...

    Galen - my interview did not mention Petoskey, MI, but I think you will notice it in this poem :)


  11. "Screw Haiku!


    Too Blue?"

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  12. Haiku's make me headachy. Too complex for my tiny brain...
    I wrote a 55, but I was busy at posting time, so I will save it for next Friday.

  13. Am I the only one who likes haiku? Still, 55s are more fun. I played:
    Too Soon

  14. This is a poem I wrote on September 7, 2013. I've added two lines, making 55 words, dedicated to Dawn Neely.

    My dear friend passed away on September 18 in the early evening ... as the Harvest Moon was rising. Dawn fought a long, arduous battle with ovarian cancer. She was only forty-eight.

    I was able to see her earlier that day, hold her hand, sing hymns I knew she loved, hoping she might hear my voice.

    It was my birthday.

    A few weeks prior, a family member had suggested they talk about 'the elephant in the room' .. regarding Dawn's end of life wishes. In her inimitable style Dawn responded ... 'well, if we are going to talk about the elephant, she'd better damn well have a name!

    Edna Elephant was born.


  15. You have outdone yourself this time, G-Man!

  16. Heh, nice one. I think there's a theme there but I can't get my brain past the garter.

    Speaking of, here's mine: Culture Shock

  17. Mine's up! Sorry it took so long.

  18. Well, if not exactly in the spirit ;)

    Zombie Haiku

    ~ M

  19. Lol, I want to write something witty in haiku form, but I'm just running out of time, inspiration and brains! I'm feeling a little 'under the gun.' Have a great weekend G-man!
    Mine is here
    Dark Circus

  20. Ha- well I'm not so keen on haiku but my feelings certainly don't rise to hate.

    I mean, I'm sure actual Japanese haiku are pretty cool, but they can get awfully cutsified.

    Anyway, hoping you have a haiku-free weekend, Mr. G.! Take care, K.

    (I'm up.)

    I'm going to try to do the link.

    Take care.


  21. I am fond of haiku. I think it is the challenge that attracts me. It is about the only poetic form I don't cringe at when someone suggests I step into the water of formed poetry.

    This is my contribution.

  22. Better late than never, I suppose. I love what you can do with haiku. Here's my 55:

  23. I like well-written Haiku that makes me take in a sharp breath--nature and all that--but I am not good at writing it. Here's my 55 for International Peace Day. I'm not sure I know what Peace is, though I know what it isn't.
