Thursday, September 5, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

Some people blog to be funny
Some people blog for support
Some only blog for the money
Some blogs are all about sports
Blogs are started for various reasons
For politics, sex, or romance
Some people write, some people fight
Some  blog without wearing  pants
(Don't be so shocked, it could be laundry day!!!)

I started blogging on a whim, now here I am SEVEN years later.
If you or anyone you know is whimsical or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most pantless host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End


  1. hard to believe how time flies...i started because a friend told me i should...and i was reluctant....but hey look at all the wonderful people i found along the way...smiles.

    mine is up.

  2. I started blogging out of curiosity, then out of fun learning & writing poetry ~ People blog for all kinds of reasons but from you, I am learning it should be fun (& pantless?!) ~ Happy Friday G-man ~

    everyday amazing: looking out from my (business class) seat

  3. Just keep that webcam off, big guy. I love the rhyming and of course, the sartorial sparseness of your blog-sistential 55.

    I'm playin--and I really tried hard to be slightly comprehensible, but if not, you can always just listen to the music:

    Hairpin Turn

  4. Now I'm wondering if you're wearing pants.

    I blog to stay grounded...Butterfly Tale

  5. I have no idea why I blog...I just like to hear myself type, maybe????

    DO you blog without pants, G?

    My offering:

  6. I thought I'd replace my daily journaling with blogging. Didn't work out that way but I'm glad I blog. I'm totally addicted.

    Glad to be here again.

  7. Six years? You have me beat! But it continues to be a great journey.

    I'm here for my third week:

    Life as it Is

  8. I've been blogging for seven years also!
    My first post was August 13, 2006.

    Pants were not always worn.

    (Made you look!)

    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  9. so let me guess - you blog to be funny, right? ;)
    7 years, wow!

    here's my 55

  10. I blog for the best reason of all ... to keep my brain nimble (naked.)

  11. Of course I'm not wearing pants. I'm wearing a skirt. :)

    Mine is up

  12. Mary, can you check your link? - it's not working for me

  13. Note to turtlememoir (and anyone else who tried mary's link):
    It works if you take the quotation marks off the end.

  14. I was the same, Galen. Started on a whim...and that was in April of 2008. I guess we're blogaholics offically now. :)

    My 55: Suggested

  15. Oh, and forgot to add, that when it comes to pantless blogging...I will never ever tell! :)

  16. You blog to show off your intelligent wit - at least that's why I assume you blog.

    I started sketching and drawing. Then wanted my own photos to draw from as one can get into trouble using other's images. Then I found Magpie Tales and thought I'll try one poem (it is still one of my favorites that I wrote - go figure).

    Then one thing led to another... but I've always kept my pants on :)

    Before Curtain Call

  17. I don't mind the bloggers without pants. It's the ones without underwear that freak me out a bit.

    But perhaps it's just their...Custom

  18. underwear is surely over rated...
    i am 22 years free and proud...

  19. Well, I do see that my link did not work. Sigh. My link to the 55 is here. I will work on the html link another week. Sorry about an additional post here:

  20. I have been blogging for six years now. Thos is my second entry for Friday Flash 55:
    First Day

  21. OH Good Lord! Every day must be laundry day round here but clothes only get washed when I am commando.

    Oddly enough I forgot it was Friday until I read Talons 55 then I felt obligated to follow her lead.

  22. I started blogging cause my buddy did and here I am 5 or 6 years later still doing it because... it's fun! Things like Friday Flash 55! Thanks G-man.

    She's Coming To Getcha

  23. Happy Blogiversary! Pants-less is the only way to party a preponderance of posts.

    Flash 55 - Where Do We Go From Here?

  24. Wow Galen! That is amazing. I started blogging to sell my little books - but I don't usually tout my books, and I don't know how to post their pictures on the side of the blog so no one knows of them anyway and now I'm blogging and don't have time to write books!

    At any rate, I love your blog - but as Hedge says, maybe better not post on laundry day! k.

  25. If I told you I didn't have pants on, would you think less of me? Mine is here.

  26. I thought that you were just happy to see me!

  27. Lucky number 7! Blog on my friend!

    Here's mine:


  28. And I'll be back later to read and comment on everyone's 55!

  29. I've been blogging for years and years. Started to document the growing season in my garden, then transitioned to cookery, and then writing.

    Here's my 55FF The Toreador

  30. I blog cuz it's an addiction...

  31. Ah! Happy Anniversary of your wonderful blog! Keep going seven-plus-seven-plus-seven.....

    I started blogging to get back to writing. Hadn't written a poem for over 15 years, and, thanks to you and other fine prompts, new ones came.

    I am late: the goldfish

  32. Hey, Dude, I did one. Published a 55, that is. :)

    My 55 is here. (if I did the link right.) Gotta go, but will be back to read and comment on your magnificence later! xoxo

  33. g-man, as i return to blogging after a long absence, I realize I blog for fun.. and I wrote that in my post before I came over here to read your 55 words today:)
    Love them, as always...

  34. I've got nightmare visions for you all! Come see, if you dare!

  35. Love the description of bloggers and I'm sure I fit in there somehow. Here's mine.

  36. Well, happy SEVEN G-Man!!! Lucky seven.

    honored to know you, ya old ass-kicker ya!!

    5 years for me. I'd sooner give up my wine than give up my blog -- luckily I don't have to give up either. :)


  37. Again, a bit late in finishing, but these 55'ers are getting GOOD - didn't want to miss out :)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.
