Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thursday Portrait.....

Hi Everybody....
This is the last three days of some of THE best incentives that I've ever seen
in my 26 years selling Chevrolets. So needless to say I've been Super Swamped
this week. I do have my 55 ready to auto-post tomorrow though. And I'm extending
to all an invitation to participate in the Friday Funfest. Please help out an overfed,
long haired, leaping Gnome, by penning me a story that has EXACTLY 55 words.
I hope to see you Thursday Night 8:00 PM EDST...C'mon, YOU can do it...:-)


  1. what? no 55 for the week...mysteriously appearing...incentive or not i am a bit disappointed...smiles...

    i will help a brother about a trip to the 55 Bar @ 55 Christopher street in NY...

    seriously this place was made for you...smiles.

    i will see you.

  2. My word, you clean up pretty! You can sell me a Chevy anytime!

  3. hey, i'm post-surgical and even i am participating this week after a long absence.

    glad to hear business is booming for you. i just have one question. what the hell is that thing in the background?

  4. Busy can be good. Sounds like yours is the good kind, G. :)

    See you tonight.

  5. You look good with that thing on a stick, G, whatever totem it may be--I got nothing this week except a big bagful of feeling crappy--I will be codling myself in bed but hope to emerge for next week's frolics.

  6. Looks like Rafiki's stick (Lion King) in the background... Good for you that sales are up! It's about time.

  7. Hey, those JD Powers numbers were something, eh? That's gotta be good for business. . .
