Thursday, March 7, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

Hi Sweeties...
It's been rumored lately that sometimes I appear drunk
while on the air. Drunk on Mogen David and 7-Up? C'Mon!!!
So, to all you rumor spreaders...Fock You!
In further news, former Pope Benedict LXIX was said to
be flatulent in 7 different languages. Really? I can koochie-belch the
Greek alphabet!

You tell em Diane, don't take any shit from those Dick-Weeds at FOX!
If you or anyone you know is flatulent or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, fart, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most odiferous host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End


  1. You leave me laughing as always. Mine is HERE.

  2. Yahtzee! I told you I'd be back to link up. I also added a giveaway to my 55!

  3. Yes, but can he say Easter Mass out of his ass? Just asking!

  4. One of my favorite movies is Drop Dead Gorgeous. Amber Atkins' idol is Diane Sawyer.
    Is the Pope full of beans?
    Does a bear shit in the woods?

    WHY does everyone giggle and/or get embarrassed when someone farts? It is the sound? Is it the smell? Is it the butt? No one cares about burping. And that is just a mouth fart. Couldn't we just call a fart an ass burp?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You are killin me--and not just through the nasal assault. You know who appears drunk at the mic is John Boehner...though with his job, who could blame the guy? If I had to listen to the asshats in the House all day, I'd be drunk 24/7.

    I'm playin, with a little desert horticultural action:

    Cactus Flower

  7. I'm old, and I'm flatulent, but I'm not an old fart. Um... at least I don't think I am.

    Mine is up

  8. Scatological Friday G-man. Have you got the 3-day flu? And YOU have a kick-ass weekend.

    Stars Are Falling

  9. how many times can you do it though while holding a lit match...before it burns your fingers...though i would not try the flatulence while doing that as you may blow up....

  10. Brian....
    Funny you should ask.
    I had the record in our Fraternity of NINE times.
    There's a trick to it that prolongs your numbers.
    It also helps if you don't stutter...:-)

  11. This has truly rendered me speechless!

    I've got one up on my poetry blog!

  12. Boys, fart jokes, and farting.... I grew up with sisters and had NO idea how important this topic and "sport" really is to boys of all ages.

    I really cant' believe I laughed when I read Fireblossoms comment... I felt guilty immediately ;)

    Friday Night

  13. As far as I know, I'm only flatulent in 4 languages...


    Wait, what?
    Mexican isn't a language?
    Or American?

    My farts beg to disagree.

    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  14. nine man...yeah i burned my fingers a few me wondering about the trick now too....

  15. She can appear drunk on the air, but how many languages can she be drunk in?

    Here's mine: Feeding Time

  16. I may be flatulent, but my post will kill you!

  17. Don't know who she is, but news readers don't make much sense nowadays anyway. One of my old military mates could flatulate God Save the Queen perfectly.
    You'll find mine here.

  18. Hmmm... and sometimes the only thing to do is...? See HERE!

  19. mmy dog and I can be flatulent in Martian Death Ray. C'mon over and let us blow you away.

    UhhhI played this week for the last three weeks

  20. LOL Sorry G I didn't play again (lost my mojo) but I enjoy reading yours. x

  21. Ladies don't fart. Do you know any ladies? Me neither.

    And we should all be able to drink while working.

    Flash 55 - Window of the Soul

  22. Poor people who anchor those shows
    out there for anyone to criticize!
    Haha and Hoho- Takes nerves of STEEL!
    My bold and brave has always been very understated PPLeeew-weee-

  23. I would hate being in the public eye and having people comment on every little thing I did...especially if it involved farts! ;)

    My 55:

  24. I like a guy who doesn't beat around the bush.
    If such a rumor is circulating, we do know where it originated.

    In spite of having a new puppy, I found time to write thisfor you!

  25. And I thought she was so lady like.

    Mine's up. Yes, you read that correctly. Happy weekend!

  26. She's not my favorite person, but she has the shiniest hair of any anchor on tv. I'm rooting for women today at my place

  27. hahaha..

  28. sigh... guess i've forgotten how to make a link live

  29. Hey Galen! I am laughing (while holding my nose). Mine is admittedly very odd this week. Can you call it writer's block!?

  30. Not just a boy thing. My granddaughters think burps and farts are hilarious.

    Anyway --

    The last man on earth sat alone in a room . . .


  31. I thought something smelled a little sulfurous around here.

    Mine is at:

  32. Well...drunkenness and flatulence? It sounds like your work here is done!
    Here's my 55

    I'm traveling, so I won't be around to read everyone's 55's right away, but I'll get there. Promise! And thanks as always Galen!

  33. Wow you can make me laugh Btw Im not sure if blogger is doing it or what but I come to your page and they "white" it out....I can see the word of course cause like I said you make me laugh but its harder to read when page is white like that. I really wish these peeps would get it all together and stop being A'h*l** just because some of us tried the other site didnt like went back to old and now they hate us LOL have a good one keep up the good humor!

  34. I think Diane's hair is always so shiny. See I can say something nice. Thanks for the laugh. Mine's here
