Thursday, January 24, 2013

FFriday Flash FFFifty-Five.....

An Ode to.....

It can be Common
It's a non-violent War
Morning after Pizza
An ugly lip Sore.
You can remove your make-up
With this type of Cream
The Blood of a killer
Winter's recurring theme.
A gigolo's Heart
An unsolved Case from the past
It's a Witch's Tit
A Well-Driller's Ass!!

Some things are better left unsaid....Eh?
If you or anyone you know has etched out a 55 in the Ice this week
Please come tell The G-Man
I will mush on over, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most shivering host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End


  1. i can't believe i got to you first for a 55....allow me to bask in the moment...aaaahhhhh......

    it gives me a nice warm feeling to counteract all that COLD.

    i did a haiku this week so forgive me for being a few words short. it's here

  2. G-Man! I am chilled to the bone!

    Ima post one: Craving

  3. Ah... but it's never too cold for ice cream (or so my kids tell me :)

    Here is one I think I never posted to FF55 (and I think you are a big fan of Lincoln, so I went back and found this.

    <a href=">Booth's Lament</a>

  4. gonna travel tomorrow and i hear its colder thatn last time . Well last time wasn't easy so ..

    phew !

    I preserved someone for you ;)

  5. Sounds more like a recipe to get a cold sore than to get rid of one.

    Mine is up

  6. Exactly true!
    It's so cold here my molecules have not vibrated for at least a week.

    (Which I posted about here).

    But if you want my Friday 55, well, that's right here. :)

    Note the interesting similarities...

  7. I loved your chilly 55, G!

    I am playing, too, and it's about a few more "C" words...

  8. So clever! I need to get on the case. My toes hurt! (Even in my apartment which is very drafty!)

    I don't have my 55 yet, but enjoyed yours and will try to come up with something. In the meantime, stay warm! k.

    1. Galen, poet , my 55 is up now but I am in a parking lot at union station Washington dc and dont have exact link. Top of my blog

      Have a great weekend. K.

  9. You should move here, where we had temps in the high 70s today!

    I wrote about the weather, too. Great minds think alike, I guess!

    Weather Museum

  10. Very fun 55. Now, G, I have heard the term "cold as a witch's tit" but I am wondering about that well-driller's ass (although come to think of it, if they are bending over in the cold.....)! I absolutely do not envy you the cold you are enduring and hope you do take care in this.

    never mind

  11. I hate the cold!

    Sorry G I didn't play, I just don't seem to be able to get back into it. :(

  12. Ahh yes my sentiments exactly!
    How did you know? common ground!
    Good one! thanks-

  13. Love your poem! I have one to warm you up here.

    I have chilly business to attend to this morning but will be back to visit one and all later today.

  14. We've been really cold too. I even had to put a coat on my Millie goat.

    Mine is HERE

  15. It's pretty nippy on every tippy. I hope you find a way to warm you cold bits.

    I'm remembring a time with naked knees.

    Flash 55 - emit yna gnippots on

  16. And I'd JUST warmed up!

    Pinched nerve in shoulder makes typing painful. See you next time.


    Mine is up. One day I will figure out how to put links in comments.

    We're getting snow in about an hour.

  18. Damn, now you're writing poetry. Like the rest of us need the competition--pretty COLD if you ask me!

    Sorry to miss, G--the back, the meds, yadda yadda--hope to return next week.

  19. Mush, mush to you too ..... you're preachin' to the choir you know!

    (24 years in Minneapolis?)

    I am up


  20. That's really clever. :-)

    I got nothin this week, but happy weekend just the same!

  21. (Oh, and nice frosty, freezy fun 55 my friend!)

  22. brrr.. that says it all..
    and as Margaret says - it is never too cold for ice cream (for me and the kids too).
    Mine is here -

  23. Get a rip in your johnny's there old man or just lose the back flap buttons?
