Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thursday Portrait.....

December 5th
3:55 pm
On my deck in T-Shirt and Boxers
55 degrees.!!!!!!!!
Were the  Mayans right after all?
Tune in Thursday 8:00 pm EST, to find out.
At that time, ALL will be revealed.......
(And I'm NOT talking about my Boxers)


  1. I'm not quite convinced the world is ending, but I really would like to have a real winter this year. Really!

  2. I know my world is ending- just not when, thank goodness.

    Friendly Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  3. Well, on the 4th, I got 24 miles on my bike. December miles are a gift. Especially December miles where you can wear shorts. . .

  4. it's been warm here too. as for the mayans....well, that's my first day at the new job. we shall see who prevails!

  5. It all depends on your perspective. I live in Italy and have been moaning that the temp has gone down to 55- feels cold!

  6. Tp hell with whether the world is ending I want to see them shorts and T shirt. I froze my ass off all day.

  7. def way too warm for winter....
    we shall see...looking forward to your predictions sir...

  8. same here...yesterday... this morning 34 degrees... crazy, scary weather... too many shrubs have buds some even leaves unfurled. The question is, what are we going to do about it? One by one, how can we reduce our carbon footprints so all together we shift or at least slow down this trend? Small steps, small acts, like buying less, repurposing our "stuff"... two simple suggestions.

  9. :-) 55 degrees? c'mon! know what? it is 12 degrees here ... freezing!

    Who knows if you'll see me tomorow!!!???

    hugs! :-)

  10. Ha! I haven't done my 55 yet, but this is very funny, Mr. G. k.

  11. its gonna be another one of those years I can see it now
