Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thursday Portrait.....

May I see your papers please?
You were traveling at FIFTY-FIVE miles per hour!!
How did you obtain such a fast American car?

Please present yourself at Headquarters Thursday 8:00 PM EST.
WITH your papers.....


  1. Ha Ha HAT!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  2. oh dang, dont scare me like that...

    hey man, it will be friday when i of my students was among a couple that died today...busted me up pretty good...gonna write that tomorrow and its gonna take more than 55...but will be back friday...

  3. Bought it at Vic Canever Chevrolet. in Fenton Michigan US of A. Sell some excess weapons from old Soviet Army Comrade and you can buy Cruze Missile too.

  4. Leavin' my 55 here in your capable and oh-so-professional hands! Read an article in our local paper last week and knew it deserved some sort of poem!


  5. that'll keep your noggin warm even if you have to cool your heels speedwise!

  6. Now THAT's a hat to wear in N. Michigan (but not in NC) I will be joining FF55 on Friday this week. It is my 4....7th birthday and we are going to see ... Bond. (Aren't I nice to let him pick the movie - I will just have to suffer through it ;P
