Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thursday Portrait.....

One thing that I LOVE about my new Chevy Cruze from
Vic Canever Chevrolet in Beautiful Fenton Michigan, is XM Radio.
And on XM my favorite channel is Radio Classics.
Much of my retro inspiration comes from old radio shows. Tonight
on the ride home from work, I became hooked on an episode of
The Bickersons. I found myself sitting in my driveway until it ended and
just before I turned the engine off I noticed the odometer....
Reminded me of a 55 with bookends!!
See you Thursday 8:00 PM EST (I Hope)


  1. Cool! I am working on mine as we speak...Laytar-

  2. Ahhh, nostalgia. Do they have music on XM too?

    Was Fenton Hardy from your town?


    Oh, no 55, but I still love ya, as so may of us Internetters do.

  3. that number does follow you doesn't it? glad you got to enjoy a fun old show.

  4. brb...wordless wednesday has my attention !

    ok, I am mystified by technology and its inability to do the simplest things


    Peace to ya' G

  5. Looks like a spaceship console to me--I'm driving a 2005 Corolla where you roll the windows down by hand--my grandson is amazed at the retro technology.

    I'll be playin later--a little seasonal pome already in the blogger cooker.

  6. love teh sat radio that is in my kia...on the pearl jam station mostly...and you look like you have a bit of a tan sir...

    see you this evening...

  7. I KNOW you won't feel sorry for me, but I'll complain anyway. I was forced to listen to NPR for about a week and I had no way to turn to FOX news channel on my XM (it had been erroneously removed). I have XM back now, and no more road rage. :) I will have to check out that station.

  8. your looking mighty fine there G-man ;)
