Monday, November 12, 2012


To ALL that has answered their Country's call to duty...Thank You!

Yesterday I attended a Lecture and Seminar sponsored by the Mutual UFO Network.
MUFON for short. After sitting through 6 hours of very interesting data and experience
sharing, I've come to the realization that these people are troubled, frustrated, and
very distrustful. I can understand why too, and the governments of the worlds are to blame.
There IS a conspiracy of 'Cover Up", and the Men in Black do indeed exist!!!
They are very adept in scare tactics and intimidation.
The truth IS out there, but we DON'T have access to it.
I think I'll become a Bigfoot follower. There is no conspiracy to cover that up, AND....
Everybody Loves Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, the Swamp Ape, The Hairy Man, and
The Wood Booger.
Shake a Veterans and a Bigfoots hand today!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've gotta get me one of those cushy government jobs where I get days off like today.

    By the way G-Man, if you want to know about Bigfoot (and other interesting stuff), you should definitely check out my friend Sharon's blog:

  3. happy veterans day...

    did you really go to that convention?

  4. Once he stepped into the spaceship, he had to go where they took him. ;)

    Veterans...people I understand AND admire. :)

  5. I suggest you should kiss a goat when you start to have those paranoid thoughts.

    Happy Veteran's Day!

  6. Happy Veterans Day, Mister Know it all ;)

  7. I'm just going to say I hope you're having fun and leave it at that. :-)

  8. well, governments aside, anal probes can do that to a person too.
