Thursday, November 22, 2012

Friday Flash 55.....

The First Thanksgiving.....1621

"Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
I would like to thank the great Wampanoag Chief Massasoit,
for providing most of today's feast. And even though Sister Clara
fucked up and forgot the Green-Bean casserole...We'll be OK."
(Massasoit's 23 year old son Dickaweed, mutters under his breath)
'Me HATE sitting at kiddie table.'

(BUUURRRPPP)....I can't move!!!
If you or anyone you know has overindulged OR written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, eat some dessert.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most STUFFED host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. Frozen Blue Bayous tided me through the evening.

    Mine is up. Drive with caution.

  2. Dude--I *hate* the kiddie table. It hurts my knees.

    I am stopping by on my way to pie and ice cream to play--back later.


  3. hahaha...oh we had a little green bean casserole...and a whole lotta other stuff....finally rolled myself back...

    happy thanksgiving all...

    mine is up.

  4. But the kiddie table is way more fun. The big people table is much too stuffy...

    Mine is up.

  5. Hey, it's only one day out of the year we eat like this...right? Right?

    No dessert at my blog, but help yourself to a cranberry scone: Thanksgiving Morning

  6. Yep, I over indulged. I also ended up with a 55 like yours.

    Mine is up

  7. Me thinks the Chief's son might wind up hating his name in the future! So funny. :) btw, Sister Clara is the hostess with the mostess in my book, as I loathe green-been casserole and avoided it like the Plague of 1623 at the Thanksgiving buffet yesterday!!!

    where all the flowers have gone

  8. hahahahahahahahahah

    I love you!


  9. And, they didn't even have a Butterball.

    Here's mine:


    Have a great weekend Mr G ;)

  10. Who ate all the (pumpkin) pies??? LOL

    Mine's up. x

  11. Did you know, according to a historian, that there were only a couple of gallons of beer on hand that day....for 150 people? Supposedly they drank water as the 1st Thanksgiving lasted 3 days!

    Mine is up...prepared it before eating turkey. Have a wonderful"recovery" day. :)

  12. So nervous...I wrote my first one. Not sure how to link it in comments here.
    Thanks a bunch.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm new to this so I'm not sure how to link up for Friday 55. Lots of my friends are playing and I'd like to, too. Sitting at the kiddie table made me yearn to be with the grown ups before I realized theirs wasn't all that interesting.

  15. Hey Galen! I hope you got your greens (beans) in the end! With all the trimmings. Very fun. k.

  16. Too funny!! I also hate the "kid" table... I deserve to hear adults tell stories instead of keeping 6 year-olds from throwing food!

    I played:

  17. Are you telling us you 'need' some of that green bean casserole? I could UPS some your way ...

    I've done another combo piece ...
    The Toads & G-Man! What a pair!!


  18. The Pilgrims were so nice to the Indians...with all there small pox and stuff ;)

  19. ok, that was a pretty funny rendering. rock on and i hope your thanksgiving was kick ass!

  20. No green beans here, either. Or beer, and the Mother-in-Law consumed most of the wine....

    Contributions from my daughter, and me are here:

  21. Happy Thanksgiving (late) we had a good meal I didnt over eat YAY but I think Mr Gab did LOL

  22. Ha! I ate at the kiddie table this year - but that's OK. No green bean casserole - but we had corn bread stuffing - I had three helpings... and was too full with food and wine to participate. :) Missed Everyone, though.
