Monday, September 24, 2012

This is only a Test...

Do not panic!!!
This is NOT a post.
This is just a test to see if I can fugure out how to use..
The New Blogger Interface!!!!

Do you people like it?
Is it better than the old version?

We will soon return to your regularly scheduled programming.


  1. You know you're getting old when you recognize that test pattern .... ugh. I thought I would hate the new interface, held off until they forced the issue ... now I don't know why I resisted ~ it's not a problem (yet) and not as unwieldy as I feared it would be.

  2. it makes me kind of crazy. i can't find anything!

  3. I'm with Shadow. Just keep plugging along.

  4. Thank heaven this post didn't come with that SOUND! :)

    It takes a little getting use to but it's not all that bad. Oh sure, I fussed the first week, but think I'm finally getting the hang of it.

    You can do it!

  5. I tried the new interface when it first came out, then switched back. But now we have no choice.

    (Progress isn't always progressive)

  6. It's fine. Took a little getting used to but there are some real improvements in it. Most notably, the ability to get a true preview before you post.

  7. I actually like it better. It is a bit of a chore to find things, but once you do, I actually like it for writing posts better.

  8.'s great. I like it much better. And I don't recognize that image at all. Must mean I'm a hip young thang. :)
