Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thursday Portrait.....

Besides....Every Friday I'm 55 Shades of Gray!!!
See ya 8:00 PM Thursday EST.
Expect a bit of Whimsy this week....:-)


  1. rockin' the gray, g-man, rocking it most righteously. i may not be as gray as you but it's indisputable on me. and gray is sexy!

  2. hey its cheap porn man...haha...starting to get a few shades in my beard...

  3. L frickin O L !

    Warm Aloha to you from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  4. Most folks would settle for one shade of gray a couple of times a week but not our Galen...that be some awesome workout 55 shades a week.

  5. I've only got about 25 shades of gray so far, but I'm well on my way!

    (P.S. My Friday 55 is already in the queue for 8 p.m. tonight!)

  6. LOL. Hey, better 55 shades than no hair at all.

  7. Most folks would settle for one shade of gray a couple of times a week but not our Galen...that be some awesome workout 55 shades a week.
