Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gotta Love Da U P Eh?

My surgeon only see's patients on Tuesday. The rest of the week...?
He's Cuttin!!!
"OK Galen, lets have a look".
I stood up and slowly pulled down my shorts and boxers.
He broke into a HUGE grin.
"It's healing FANTASTIC"!!
He reminded me of an artist admiring his Masterpiece...
And my ass, is his canvas!!!

Hi everybody, yes I'm feeling better and better!!
I'm scheduled to return to work on July 16th!
Last week Reese and I visited Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
The weather was perfect, the sights brought back many childhood
memories, and it was a much needed getaway.
This is my first warning of MANY...
Friday Flash 55 will return in July...Friday the 13th!!!!
As you can see from the above paragraph, I've been a practicing...hehehehehe
Hope to see you then...I miss everybody.
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. You're lookin good, my man--and so is that ice cream cone place. I was in the U.P. years ago and remember it as being wide open and beautiful forest and lake country. Still looks like it, from your pics. Really good to hear you're getting better, and that your ass is now a masterpiece.

  2. Artist... canvas... LOL.
    Just be glad you're healing like a Rembrandt instead of a Picasso. :)

    (Get it? picASSo?)

    Sorry about that.
    I really am glad you're doing better.

    Anyway, I like the pictures. It's been a long time since I went to the U.P.
    I love going across the Mackinac Bridge!
    What a view! :)

  3. so would you say your butt is a canvASS?

  4. you have been missed pops....hedge and i were just talking about you today....smiles...glad you are healing man...

  5. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Nice to know your surgeon thinks your his masterpiece! Goodness, I'm going to have to try and write something again. :-)

  6. hooo-RAY!

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>


  7. I am so glad to hear progress is being made. Surgeons do like to admire their handiwork. It's good you had a getaway!

    I am, once again, in India. Headed to Jaipur for a month, probably longer. Will be in India five months if I survive the heat. Go see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" - I'm not staying at anyplace like that!

  8. Fun post, G. The happiest for a long while! Friday the 13th it is and it will be great to have you back.

  9. YAY so good to hear you're feeling better G. Looking forward to Friday 13th - I think that's the first time I've ever said that! lol

  10. Glad to hear this! looking forward to your return !

  11. So glad you're feeling better G. My hubby is from da U P.

    I did a 55 this week. I think you'll like it. ;-)

  12. I never get tired of the U.P. Love that picture of the bridge approach. And I'm glad you have a masterpiece of a rear end.

    I'm glad you gave us a return date for FF55. I was just thinking to myself, self, Galen is going to pop up Thurs. night with a Flash and I won't be ready. I won't have time and I'll miss out. Because to celebrate your return, I'd like to do something masterly, a REAL flash fiction masterpiece!

    So this is perfect, Fri. the 13th. I can't do anything anymore if I don't plan ahead. Oh, how I long for those long ago impromptu days!

  13. Woo hoo! So all this time you're sitting on a mASSterpiece? We should have known! Glad to hear you are able to do a road trip, and that it was fun. So Friday the 13th is our lucky day - and you'll have a ff55 hangover for your first day back at work. Now that's kick-ass! :o)

  14. You're looking dapper and happy..yeah!

    Been to the U.P. once...the in-laws are from Powers and Stephenson. Mom-in-law use to say the green was different there and I looked puzzled. Having been there I understand: no humidity makes green prettier. :)

    Love the new 55 deadline.

  15. Hey, Mr. G! So glad that you are feeling better and that it all shows up on your you=know=what!

    We've missed you! Take care. k.

  16. ThASS good to hear! Keep on feeling better.:)

  17. Great to see you G-man ~

    Have a kickass weekend too ~

    Cheers ~

  18. Wonnerful ... wonnerful! Miracles do happen, glad you are close to 100%.

  19. Ha! That's funny! Reminds me of my surgeon telling me my ovaries looked lovely.

  20. So good to hear such a positive progress report.

    I am already thinking about my F55 for July 13. In honor of your return, I will even try and follow all the rules. ;)

    Miss ya,

  21. Glad you're feeling better. I'll mark Friday the 13th on my calendar. Looking forward to it :)

  22. Ah, yes. Nothing better than healing than a dose of Northern Michigan. Well, hmm. Virginia is almost nosing NM out these days... :)

    I assume you did NOT take your motor bike?

  23. "My ass is his canvas."

    So. . . you walked into his office, and he said, "Butt out!"

    Heh-heh-heh. . . Glad to hear you're well on the mend. . .

    I do love me some UP. Heck, I'm almost a Yooper meself. . . My wife and I spent a night in Paradise on our honeymoon. . .

    And one can't say enough about pasties (if for no other reason than half the people who see it think I'm talkin' about strippers' tassels. . .)

  24. BTW. . . I'm guessing that the bridge photo is taken from the north end, looking south? So the sun is in the east - early AM. Am I right?

  25. Decided to pop over and see how you're doing and found good news. So glad you're feeling better and healing. I've missed you too. See you in July!
