Monday, March 5, 2012

TMI Tuesday....

Those of you that do not live in the USA, are so very fortunate
that you don't have this pompous, fat-ass, cigar-chomping, right
wing bigot Rush Limbaugh, contaminating your airwaves and headlines.
He almost makes me ashamed to be an American white male!
Last week he ridiculed a female college student Sandra Fluke for
speaking before Congress and advocating Gov't. sponsored Birth
Control for unwed students. He called her a 'Slut', and that she
should make a sex tape and post it for all to see.....Nice!
The blonde in the last pic is his wife. She is 17 years younger than
Rush, and I'm quite sure that she didn't marry him for his impish
grin, schoolboy charm, and Minty Fresh breath! Maybe he has a way
with words? Read some of Rush Limbaugh's more "Charming" quotes...

"Have you ever noticed how all composite photo's of wanted criminals
resemble Jesse Jackson"?

"The NAACP should have Riot Rehearsals. They should get a liquor store
and practice robbing it".

[To an African-American caller] "Take that bone out of your nose, and
call me back".

"You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray!
(The convicted killer of Martin Luthor King)
We miss you Jimmy....Godspeed"!

"Columbus saved the Indians from themselves"!

He calls President Obama a 'Halfrican-American'!

Oh yeah....Charming! If that Bimbo fucks that walrus for ANY
reason other than his fat paycheck, she has to be a daughter
of a Klansman!
All this Bigotry makes Mr. Knowitall grow weary....Adieu!


  1. There are MANY reasons I'm glad to be Canadian. Not having to share a country with that character is high on the list...

  2. All I can say is what the hell is wrong with the man?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. If more people would boycott his advertisers and complain to the radio stations who carry his daily tirads (sadly several in the area)against everyone who isn't white, male and balding, maybe he would be forced off the air.

  5. See...the very thought of him makes me lose my train of thought. I really do know how to spell.

  6. he is truly a vile, hateful person. just disgusting in every way.

  7. He's a boor and an oaf, IMO. A monumental bore, too. How on earth did he ever get on the air?!

  8. he is a jackass...

    has been for years...glad people are waking up to it...

    maybe he finally ruffled enough feathers...

  9. I am Canadian and we have more than our fair share of idiot politicians, but this guy takes the cake.

  10. Well said. I'm so glad he's losing advertisers.

    I wrote a limerick about this and ended up in a Facebook fight over Limbaugh. It got so bad, I blocked someone. Apparently Rush's fans are as nasty as he is.

  11. We all have our own share of Genuine Assholes, no matter which part of the planet you live. Come over to India, its freaking hilarious out here.

    Some politicians were even caught watching porn while the parliament was in session...

  12. I despise that man. Loathe him. Hate him with a burning passion. Gah. Honestly, there is no amount of money in the word that would convince me to let that revolting cretin spend one second in bed with me. Okay, I'm going to go shower, because just reading out him makes me ill.

  13. I haven't heard of him but having read his quotes I can honestly say


  14. I say we rush right out and donate him to a Iran for example. :)

  15. Rush is an idiot...can't believe so many listen to and agree with him

  16. Sickening... It scares the hell out of me that he actually has supporters!
