She sat all alone, swilling down the
wine like Perrier....With Little Effect!!
Carlos thought...Yeah, this'll be easy.
Smoothly sliding onto the adjoining barstool,
Carlos asked..."Hi, can I buy you a drink?"
Lyssa's eyes stopped gazing at her glass to meet his.
Chateau Margaux...82'!
'Mister...You OK?'
Maybe Carlos should hit on chicks that drink Gallo Tawny Port?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
(FYI...An 82 Margaux's estimated value is $8000. to $11,ooo.)
Very pricey...wow ~
Hope you have a kick ass weekend too ~
Its a challenge to write in 55 words but I did it ~ You can sing along here~
I likes me champagne a lot too!!
Gotta get my link fixed...
Yay! I did it. (I think) (I hope)
is mine this week."> HERE
Well, if you want the best, you gotta pay up! Hey and I found a bargain... 1982 Chateau Margaux-Red Blend priced at $4,334.89 ...
My 55 is ready to go The Sentinel
Paybacks a bitch! (it has been one of those days-) Your 55 from me is from those questions earlier in the week; Have a great eve!
And here I'd be happy with a few deep-fried things and a diet coke.
Irony is everything.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Ha--poor carlos. He needs to think before he speaks, and look before he leaps-those dark smoky bars have led many astray..
dude, I'm 55-less right now--I may have something for you tomorrow afternoon, but otherwise, see ya next week.
Everything is easier with money.
Mine is up
If I could afford that I could probably quit my day job and spend all my time writing. Dreaming of the day here
I much prefer a nice Reisling myself!
It's been a while--umm, actually this is only my second time "Flash"ing with you all. As wordy as I am, I enjoyed the challenge. Here's mine:
Thanks for checking it out!
thats one Pricey lady ! ;)
I wrote a 55 word Poem on my fears :
I wonder
smart gal & poor Carlos :-) haha! he'll look for more of lemonade drinkers now I think ;-)
mine is here: And remains, a memory
Sorry will link in tomorrow
My devices are being difficult
Serves him right! Should have observed more closely before he moved in for the kill.
My 55 are here.
Don't you just hate it when that happens.
You'll find mine here.
Classy Lady...mine is here
This one delighted me, G.
I knew it was expensive but what a shocker to see the price at the end!
Mine is Intimates. (are Intimates???!)
Happy Weekend to you.
That'll teach him! LOL
Mine's up.
Good morning Mr G Loved this 55 LOL Poor guy.
here's mine:
Jaguar Cars
Have a great weekend :)
Why is she staring into her glass so sadly?
"...and just bring the bottle, I am moving to a table. The gentleman on the floor has this one."
Holy cow! Good thing I don't drink, I'd probably want the good stuff. :)
Mine's up. Happy Friday to you!
I've had trouble leaving comments this morning. Anyone else?
Sometimes blogger gets bogged down, I had a few problems last night. I restarted my PC and it helped a little.
Carlos - Look before you leap...
that's a vintner's special Mr G
A delightful Weekend to all
Spring Cleaning
Thanks G for hosting 55s each week
Never having drunk anything quite so 'rich' makes me wonder if it's worth it -- or if the effect is better...
Mine is here
Writing down the name of that wine, so I'll remember what to ask for next time :)
Mine's up: Saving the Selkie
Well I drink tawny port!
thanks for your sincere comment over at my blog! Appreciate your opinion - after all, You ARE Mr. Know-It-All
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
>< } } ( ° >
That must be some mighty fine wine! You asked for it, so you got it. Mine is up.
Save a glass for me!
Here's mine!
Friday Afternoon Nap Poem
Mmmm. Sounds good to me!
Mine, such as it is, is UP believe it or not!
Have a respectably nice weekend (or whatever). D
Oh G-Man, here's my 55 on the eve of my big win on the Mega Millions lotto tonight; dream:
well she ain't a cheap date now is she?
Oh! I'll have what she's having G! I don't have 55 words for you tonight my friend, but I do have a question for you.
Have a kick-ass weekend dude! My plan is to sleep in! :)
Clever girl! :-)
So much for a cheap date! Good one, G-Man!
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