Sunday, February 19, 2012

Monday Musing.....

Just some maudlin random thoughts;
Back in the day,
Before the Internet, Cable, Netflix, Tevo,
X-Box, Skype, Yada Yada Yada....
You had .....OUTSIDE!!!
Bike riding, Hide and Seek,
Baseball in the park...
Don't be late for Supper,
And make sure you're home before dark!
Collecting bottles for a 2 Cent deposit,
A Coca-Cola was a Dime,
A Hershey bar was a Nickle
God were those some great times!
You pretended you were a cowboy, Wild Bill or Roy Rodgers,
The Athletics were still in Philly,
Brooklyn still had The Dodgers!
Even though I'm getting on in years
And I sit on my porch and yawn,
I'll NEVER be that Old Fart screaming....
"Hey You Kids...Get Off My Fucking Lawn"!!!!

It all goes by too soon peeps, Carpe Diem!!!


  1. ha ha. This was awesome. No, you will never be an old fart... but a pop was a dime? How old ARE you? ha ha

  2. I have always wanted to be the old person yelling "Get off my goddamn lawn!" But as it turns out, I just wave at the neighbor kids who run through my yard. And my own? Well, I'm the mother of a woodsman - I have to force him to come back inside.

  3. How about Ghost, and Fox and Goose and tag, and get-the-city-cousins-to-touch-the-electric fence!

    I LOVE your final line. I love the sounds of the playground, of kids playing outside.

  4. dude i played outside all day snowed...we snow boarded all afternoon...i am a little sore though...smiles...

  5. Now I'm tripping down memory lane, G. I remember the pop bottle collecting and getting a huge bag of penny candy for a quarter.

    I'm sure we still have children in our city, but they are rarely seen outdoors. Used to be the cry of "Car!" during on-road hockey games was the sound of winter here. :)

  6. LOL! I remember all that stuff all too well. Beautifully said!

  7. I guess your days were much fun than ours...

    Love the post.

    have an awesome week ahead.

    p.s: any suggestion to kill a bad hangover

  8. Playing marbles and living in yer rollerskates.

  9. heee heee heee, and here hubby can't wait to sit on the porch and yell at kids... but dude, you forgot the LP's in there somewhere. mind you, i believe they're making a come back, don't know how true this is though.

  10. I remember those days G-man, out all day and back just before it went dark, tired out. My grandchildren love to play outside, thank goodness.

  11. Yep, sometimes I think about that. My friends and I lived outside, all year 'round. People say, Shay, you have such an imagination; well, I used it every day of my childhood, maybe that's why it's working still.

    There used to be an orange soda I loved, called Nesbitt's. I wonder what ever happened to that?

    And I remember when the A's were still in...Kansas City! Does that count?

  12. I remember Outside...and My Imagination! I took that with me everywhere.

    Thanks for the Monday grin.

  13. not that i was glad my kid was lonely but i was glad years ago when my son said the neighborhood kids were not very fun to hang with because all they did was play video games. my son has always liked being outside and i've never really had to kick him out there.

  14. Endless summer days on my bike...scrounging around the couch cushions and my dad's coat pockets, hoping for a quarter to buy a Tahiti Treat at the 7-11...drinking from the garden hose instead, if I came up empty handed...ahhh, childhood was mighty fine when I was young, too. :)

  15. My you do seem a bit nostalgic today. I agree it does just fly by. Enjoy that outside!

  16. red light green light, red rover, baseball with the boys - they didnt care if you were a girl as long as you could hit the ball farther than first base...I tried basketball but didnt understand the rules as well as baseball. never tried softball with the other girls, archery was fun......the stuff the kids to miss because they are playing ps3 wii or whatever...I dont have the porch but if I did and sat out on it only ones that would get yelled at would be those who dont pick up after their dog!!!!

  17. I never played inside! My best friend, my sister, and I played in creeks, acres of acres of grape vineyards, back roads, and old burned down house...the good days of being a child :)

  18. Hey we are still doin' both!
    Usin' our magination AND playin' out-
    every freakin day!!!
