Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Haiku Wednesday.....

Love is all you need?
Easy to say for Sir Paul...
He don't pay my bills!

Is it Wednesday? Do you Haiku? Yes?
Then post one on your blog and go visit Jenn at...
Sensational Haiku Wednesday
This weeks Theme is...Love.


  1. lol...but love will keep you warm when they cut off the heat...smiles...

  2. rather have love or money?

    Warm Aloha Valentines wishes from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. Neat! fun ~ we need both in this world ~ but you know that ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

  4. ha!
    love will see you thru when you cant pay the bills =)

  5. Happy Valentines day (late) Hope your day was great....Mr Gab and I had the day together(he had work off) BUT .....he slept almost all day and then the night too. Why you ask well he worked a double the day before and was totally zonked! LOL but our Love will keep we still have 3OO or so days left in the year right

  6. Gave up on bills a long time ago!

    "Waiting somewhere be-
    tween snowflakes and daffodils
    is a cuppa Jo..."

    ( or 2- Piping hot; with our names on it !)

    Ha ha Spring must not be far
    off, no matter what chubby mammals
    from PA. predict.

  7. Ok- it is official!

  8. Yep, Bill intrudes on every relationship.

  9. Easy for those who have lots of money to say! But, with lots of money and no love, life is a drag.

  10. Well, the actual lyric is, "Love is all you need." (which, I'll admit, has pretty close to the same cash value)

    And I'm not sure, but I think that was more of a 'John song'; at least, he sang the lead. . .

    But, at least according to St. Peter, Love 'covers a multitude of sins'. So you've got that going for you, which is nice. . .

  11. money problems certainly do change a relationship

    four love senryu

  12. but he pays his ex-wife's bills. wonder if he still feels the same as when he wrote that song....

  13. some might say you went straight to the heart of it...thanks for stopping by my blog..

  14. ...if you think about it, he says that phrase "All you need is love" like a bazillion times... I think he had a hard time convincing himself! :) ha.

  15. Like they say, 'love is an island surrounded by expenses.'

  16. {giggle} you remind me of the saying "the best things in life are free." ~ that may be, but we still have to have the 'non-best' things like food and shelter, huh, G?

    i hope you're having a great week, Galen!

  17. LOL! What the world needs is more witty haiku. Nice job!

  18. Yeah, exactly! But without love the rest is meaningless, no?
