Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thursday Portrait.....

Well leave it to Ole G-Man!!
The "Secret" is about to be revealed!
Earlier today, The Great Grandson of Colonel
Harlan Sanders, Corporal Quincey Sanders, finally
succumbed to my incessant Badgering, and passed on to
me the "Secret Spices" that goes into KFC's Original Recipe'.
Supposedly there were only 11 herbs and spices involved, but
according to this document, there is a grand total of,
now get this....55 different Herbs and Spices!!!
Go figure Eh? 55 DIFFERENT ingredients!!
Weird shit like...
Cassia Buds
Dill Weed (hehehehe, alarmingly close to Dick Weed)
Fennel Pollen
Orris Root
Fenugreek (Fen-You-Greck)
Well, I know what I'll be munching on at...
Thursday 8:00 PM EST!!!
Be There!!!


  1. lol...dick may never eat the chicken again...smiles.

  2. They use orris root to help preserve pot pourris! What kind of recipe is THAT! And when do I get my invite to dinner :)

  3. fried dick weed....snicker....snort...chortle...

  4. Are you sure he's not yanking your chain?? ;)

  5. Is there any room for chicken in that mess o mass of spices?

  6. A long time ago I thought that I had heard the "11 herbs and spices" were false. Only I recall that the only "herbs and spices" found were simply salt and pepper. But alas, I have been known to be wrong. And I see that they are now calling the chemical MSG a spice now. Figures.

    Oh, and I have a bag of dried dick, er, I mean dill, weed, from last summer's garden if you be needing some.

  7. Oh my- only you could think this up!
    Made me smile- then take a second look. Hee-Hee... Need to laugh more! Thanks.

  8. ugh why is it stuff that taste so good gotta have ingredents that sound so yucky? I may never eat kfc again

  9. What a spicemeister you are, G. So many hidden talents. Obviously they said only 11 because there are some things the mind of man is just NOT meant to know.

    I'll be back to add to the pot luck supper later.

  10. Well, dil-weed is like a fake dick-weed, isn't it?

  11. And here's me thinking you were talking about duck weed... But I'm quackers...

  12. I knew Mace was an ingredient enough to make one go vegan!!!

  13. I love dill and put it on most of my sandwiches, I'll have you know. I hope you told the Col. to add a bit of CHICKEN to that recipe!
