Saturday, January 7, 2012

Poor Alberts Almanac.....

OK...This was my front yard January 7, 2012.
I'm in frickin Michigan!!
A Northern state!


Repent Sinners....REPENT!!!!


  1. there is no global warming...what are you thinking..haha...i broke a sweat just being outside today...

  2. NO, I don't believe him. We had 67 on Thursday but, that only beat a record from 1954. was lovely here in Nebraska. We were outside all afternoon. LOVED it!

  3. There's something chilling about 60degrees in January. The ground has yet to freeze. I don't care what anyone says, this has never before happened here. For the first time Port Huron doesn't have any outdoor skating rinks. We've nearly reached the point of irreversible damage, the point of no return that Al and others have been warning us about for over thirty years. But we stick our heads in the mud and go about our dirty business. There's a flock of geese down the road that have never bothered to migrate. The list goes on and on. What is there not to believe?

  4. Brian...Ban Roll-On

    Cindy...Outside refinihing no doubt

    Yvonne...Amen Sister

  5. The farmers almanac predicted a very cold winter here, cold to me is -30c, we had +4c on Thursday. It still may happen, we just got 2 feet of snow. Would you like some?

  6. Funny, but when I think back to 29 years ago, it was over 60 degrees here. I remember because my daughter was born at this time and we were all set with woolen mitts and booties and such and they weren't needed at maybe that was a hint of what was to come. Mind you, we have about 4 seasons here a week. Snow one day, rain the next...just bizarre.

  7. I guess you didn't get the memo. In repayment of cold blasts past winter 2012 for Michigan will officially begin on February 1 and Spring will commence fourteen days later, then comes the summer March third.

  8. Loved the 50 degree afternoon, yesterday- such a rare bird in Jan.!
    No I don't believe alarmists. I do trust Mother Nature.

  9. yeah it's like that here too. la nina...weird.

  10. I believe no politician. But things are what they are. Weather goes in cycles as the history of the earth shows. The earth will endure long after Man is a memory like the dinosaurs. Fascinating blog you have, Roland

  11. I can't repent right now. The weather's too nice!

  12. I have my doubts about the whole 'global warming' thing (damned inconsiderate of it to cut off the New Ice Age everyone was all excited about back in the 60s) (But wait. . . if the New Ice Age didn't happen when it was supposed to. . . holy shit, maybe AlGor is right!) (or, you know, maybe not. . .)

    Where was I? . . .

    Oh yeah. . . I had great fun putting January miles on my bike. We don't get those very often, here in Michigan. (But, if global warming is real, we should, shouldn't we?)

    (Damn, this is all so confusing; damn weather just won't do what it's supposed to. . .)
