How could I have been so STUPID?
What a fucking idiot!!
But whenever we talked on the phone, he sounded
sooo sexy. His voice became raspy,
his breathing became heavy....
Now he'll probably NEVER speak to me again!
Why did I send him those naked pix?
The Moral of This Story...?
Don't confuse Asthma...With Passion!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Asthmatic host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Yes G-man. I won't ~
I am playing along:
Have a great weekend ~
Wheeze, gasp, cough! Very funny Mr. G. I'm playing over HERE
You know, that would explain a lot...
Okay, I'm playing, and it's just a poem this time--no politics(your last several posts have covered all the bases on that, Mr. G.)
What? Asthmatic men don't like nude photos?
I have TWO tonight! I guess "55" just starts to take over the brain cells...
Endure, The Ocean"
snort...love that last line g...lol...he probably has a blog and those pics are on display...
my sons 55 is up at my place...
i told him i would take care of the commenting though...
How funny! It has been a bad allergy year...
Mine is up. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/moon-magic/
Hey,Baby... Is that a frog in your throat, or are you just happy to see me.
Love it!
In the recording studio at this very minute.
Gonna play next week. Oh yeah.
... or dont talk to naked women while wheezing
My story also involved a phone/ kismet
Happy Friday G et al
Love's Hang Up
lol! This is sound advice, G (no pun intended) :)
My 55: Gnarly
all this could have been prevented with an effective inhaler! too funny.
i'm here
Oh, you aren't supposed to send photos that like to people you meet on the phone? Oops
hahaha. Good lesson G. I will try to pop by tomorrow to visit, but have one up for you here
They should probably make inhalers for passionate people, just to be on the safe side. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
A little breathlessness associated by looking at the nude pics is natural, ain't it? Well, cyber love is dangerous!
http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/2012/01/no-regrets.html - my 55
Oooh, I love a sexy voice! (But I'll be sure to check his health history before I send him any photos.)
Mine is here.
As an asthmatic, I can vouch for a person's ability to have both asthma and passion, although the one does tend to put a damper on the other.
Mine this week isn't very sexy, either. Oh well: Splat!
And this is why my teenagers do not own a phone.
Hope people can read the sarcasm in mine.
I tell you, those naked pix are getting around a lot more now than they did when I was a teenager.
Rockin', G-man.
Mine is up
Is this why I keep getting sent rude photos of men? ;)
My 55 are here.
Even I'm taking part today. I know its been a while but you lot are quite intimidating.
Another great FFF prompt, G-Man. Is there no end to these accursed iDevices!
He, he - and made worse by her listening thru the forehead.
You'll find mine here.
At last, an advantage in having asthma...
Cool 55, Mr G-Man.
Here's one - Awaiting Her Turn
This reminded me of something...HERE
Oops! She might be in some trouble. At least she's not some troll.....
Sorry if you are truly asthmatic, G, and if so I hope you feel better over the weekend.
Mine's up: Her To-do List
Here is mine after a long time:
the road
Ooops and easy mistake to make! LOL
Mine's up. x
Morning G-Man ..you always make me giggle. I'v heard a few heavy breathers in my time...haha !!
Here's mine:
Have a fab weekend.
hahah !! good advice ! i will keep in mind ;)
I wrote a dedication post !
ha ha ha ha I know that particular phone didn't send any pictures, I have a working one just like it.
Ha! I needed that morning laugh. I've got to get the pup out before work...shall visit more tonight and this weekend.. Happy Friday! iSiri
Wow that is not nice-nor a fun comfy place to be! Thanks.
Asthma for passion?...looks like she needs to get off the phone and get back in touch with reality LOL :)
Mines up. Hopefully I don't start a ruckus...
LOVE that punch line!!!
ps, I'm playing along too!
Heheh - asthmatics make the best long distance lovers.
And now for something completely different:
Ah, one of life's difficult lessons I suppose.
Mine's up...Happy Friday!
This is a riot, G-Man!
deep-throated again...thanks G
<a href="http://worldcoloredglasses.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/posted/>my 55</a>
<a href="http://worldcoloredglasses.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/posted/>my 55</a>
sometimes things are weird
shite!!!feel free to delete my ignorance
RD: You need to close your address with a second " at the end--then it will work( right before the >)
LOL, great piece - stunning exit line.
Here's mine, Wetlands settlements.
Ha! Very sage advice! (Better have an inhaler handy.)
Here's mind: http://manicddaily.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/sorry-last-post-inadvertent-is-that-mean-enough-flash-55/
(Sorry it's got such a long title.) K.
Ha! Very sage advice! (Better have an inhaler handy.)
Here's mind: http://manicddaily.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/sorry-last-post-inadvertent-is-that-mean-enough-flash-55/
(Sorry it's got such a long title.) K.
I meant "mine" and don't know why it posted twice. Sorry. K.
Wow, that would be very embarrassing...and creepy!
Here's my 55: http://bodhirose.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/ninja/
Or maybe, don't send naked pics to someone you don't personally know!
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